Trading Last Dreamie: Genji [Julian and Marshal Achieved <3]


Mayor of Ajloun
Oct 3, 2013
New Horizons Token
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Red Candy
100% (36) +


Thank you everybody for helping me and thank you LadyScion especially as she traded her Tia for Julian for me, you all are very helpful and so sweet. I can't thank you all enough. uwu!!

Now that I've achieved my high priority dreamies, it's time for me to achieve my last dreamie Genji.

I actually gave all my bells and hybrids for Marshal.. So I don't have anythign to offer fml, But uh, I will be resetting my 2 extra AC NL copies to receive good villagers to raffle/trade since I'm the happiest person alive.

Thank you TBT!​
Congrats and good luck. He seems kinda popular and would probably want him too if I hadn't been so deer crazy, hehe.
Congrats and good luck. He seems kinda popular and would probably want him too if I hadn't been so deer crazy, hehe.

Thank you! Aha, he's great.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Btw, Marshal and I are neighbours! uwu!
Aw congrats! :'D I also just got Marshal, hehe ~ We're happy campers 8D
oh congrats!
my bff is looking for genji as well (well, more like im looking for her since shes lazy) but good luck on your search!
oh congrats!
my bff is looking for genji as well (well, more like im looking for her since shes lazy) but good luck on your search!

amg i've been following your main blog forever ; o ; and thank you!! good luck to the both of us!
Congrats Ameer, you lucky duck! All that hard work yay!
I can give you Genji ^-^
I probably won't be able to until next week though until Thanksgiving break because the next few days will be hectic.
So if you're willing to wait, I'll be able to~
I can give you Genji ^-^
I probably won't be able to until next week though until Thanksgiving break because the next few days will be hectic.
So if you're willing to wait, I'll be able to~
GASP! I'm in no rush for genji! Thank you, I will wait ; o ;!!!