Lazy less bug happy


Senior Member
Jul 11, 2020
At the moment I have drago and am looking to replace him with another lazy. I know all talk about bugs but well was hoping there were some less well buggy and messy.
Was he your first lazy?
Because I know the starting lazy has a house with a muddy floor so can seem more into bugs in that regard.

But outside of that, there is no lazy thats more or less into bugs really.
I suppose drago has the nature hobby so there's that?

Otherwise I'm not really sure what to say :p
All the characters talk about the same personality stuff with the same frequency AFAIK.
All personalities will react the same. So if you adopt another lazy from somewhere, they'll talk about the bugs just as much as Drago does. Maybe sometimes he/they won't comment about it as much, but it will still come up regardless.

I'm not sure why they associated laziness with uncleanliness this time around, but they did and I'm not as big on the lazies this time around. I actually gave Punchy a tattered or ragged shirt to compliment his lifestyle lol.
I'm not sure why they associated laziness with uncleanliness this time around, but they did and I'm not as big on the lazies this time around. I actually gave Punchy a tattered or ragged shirt to compliment his lifestyle lol.
I've mixed feelings on it.
I think it brings a lot of the lazy characters to life and makes them really funny and suits them so well.

Then there are others. Punchy was always a favourite of mine due to his cool dude vibes. I had to kick him off my island as I couldn't take him seriously any more.

Its a massive double edged sword
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I've mixed feelings on it.
I think it brings a lot of the lazy characters to life and makes them really funny and suits them so well.

Then there are others. Punchy was always a favourite of mine due to his cool dude vibes. I had to kick him off my island as I couldn't take him seriously any more.

Its a massive double edged sword.q
Yeah in NL, I don't recall the lazies doing anything really lazy. They talked about food all the time. But them talking about really grungy stuff kinda turns me off from their personality every now and then. Like Punchy talked about taking a bath while eating cereal and he ended up bathing in soggy cereal/bath tub water. And now every time I see him, I imagine he smells like wet cereal paste.
See my hubby has bones, and yeah he mentions bugs but not as much as drago. Also doesn’t mention getting food off his cloths, yuck.
All lazy villagers are programmed the same. They will all talk about bugs at one point. I currently have three lazies and the bugs are a regular topic of conversation from all of them. I don't really care though, I just let them go on and on. 😂
I've mixed feelings on it.
I think it brings a lot of the lazy characters to life and makes them really funny and suits them so well.

Then there are others. Punchy was always a favourite of mine due to his cool dude vibes. I had to kick him off my island as I couldn't take him seriously any more.

Its a massive double edged sword
Lazy villagers used to be my favorites but not anymore... The bug talk does work for some of them, for example I had Lucky and my whole vision of him was that he was a zombie rising from his grave everyday, and his house is a graveyard so it made sense :) . But with Stitches I thought it didn't really fit with his vibe, so I liked him less. It's a shame because otherwise their dialogue about food is quite cute.

I'm also planning on invinting Marty soon and I can already tell I probably won't connect with him as much because of this dialogue :/.
I can see how a lazy might have bugs in their home, and even mention it, but talking to bugs and feeding them? It just makes them sound like toddlers or deranged. I love Zucker, but they've really made him immature and a bit gross. At first it was kind of funny, but it does get old. If it were just a once in a while thing, it'd be fine.

You can be really lazy and not be into bugs at all... at least that's my limit.
When it comes to dialogue, the only difference between the two personality subtypes (A/B) is that each will have different long stories you'll hear when you've achieved max friendship. Otherwise, they'll all cycle through the same dialogue trees, including lotsa bug talk for the Lazies. Like the muscle talk with the Jocks, it's something you either learn to live with or do without the character type on your island
Wow didn’t know about the diff personality types. Makes since though I loved fang but hated static and loved cookie while bunnie drove me nuts. Might look into the b lazy personalities, thx.
The starter lazy house was extremely off putting to me because it amplified their dirtiness. I now have Chester and I don't mind his bug talk too much, maybe since his house looks like a bamboo forest and its not as yucky? I'd say try going for someone who has a nice natural interior in general
Wow didn’t know about the diff personality types. Makes since though I loved fang but hated static and loved cookie while bunnie drove me nuts. Might look into the b lazy personalities, thx.
Well, believe it or not, both Fang & Static and Bunnie & Cookie have the same villager personality response subtype, which is to say they had the same dialogue trees or possible trees. Now, of course, there's something to be said for what we bring to certain villagers based on their design/interests/appearance/etc, but these differences only change a small amount of the dialogue you hear from the villagers overall.

THAT SAID, here are all the lazies that have a different personality response subtype from Drago:

Al, Alfonso, Anchovy, Benedict, Big Top, Biskit, Bob, Bones, Boomer, Broccolo, Chester, Clyde, Crackle, Cube, Derwin, Dizzy, Doc, Drake, Egbert, Elmer, Hugh, Jeremiah, Joey, Lucky, Marcel, Moe, Nate, Ozzie, Prince, Puck, Pudge, Punchy, Rodeo, Simon, Stiches, and Walker :)