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League of Legends

Have you played DotA before?

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Yeah.. ranked was dreadful when I first began but it was because of my mistakes as a mid laner as well. If lanes lose, you want to roam and try to gank them. lol four people bottom works a lot.
Eh, in a way it's pretty true. By the time your bot lane has lost their lane it's because the adc eventually got too fed and at that point it's difficult to stop.

And yeah of course everyone makes mistakes. I think the mistake me + the adc made was not going into the jungle to help out mid and jungler when there were like 3 enemies there, adc just kept farming? So I guess I have to work on map awareness or quickly deciding if it's worth going in (which it probably wasn't because I think we all would have died). I just wish people warded more, it would save so many deaths, as a support you just feel like the only one warding and people just randomly go into unwarded areas. and you mean league spellcasting in general?

I'm surprised how little warding there is given how much Riot helps you with free vision tools. That, and how small SR is relative to other moba maps. Yes, league spellcasting in general. As a Dota player, where your mana pool only supports 2-3 casts early game (some heroes can only even cast once), I was surprised by how much spam there was. Laning seems to revolve around throwing out poke. Quite a difference to Dota where laning involves creep equilibrium manipulation and autoattack trades, before finding an opening and dumping all your spells to get a kill. Your average aoe cc in Dota is 2.5s, with single target cc's going up to 5s. I think this "everything is imba" design philosophy makes comebacks easier.
Please don't talk about meta until you have watched 500 OGN vods like Riptide

Oh still misrepresenting things are we? At least you're not misrepresenting LoL this time, so I guess that's new?

There's a difference between what you do and what everyone else in this thread does. Everyone else wants to enjoy the game in their own form, with the understanding that solo queue is different from the top levels of competitive plays (not to even mention the differences between solo queue and competitive play in general.) So obviously I can't suggest that players consider lane swaps in their solo queue games for example. But if you want to talk about the overall game League of Legends, rather than just solo queue, then I hope you're ready to accept counterarguments using the top levels of play, which you clearly were not. Feel free to reformat your argument to make it only applicable to solo queue as well. Although I haven't played recently, i do have more than 2 years of experience in that as well to see through your thesaurus and into the dark abyss where the substance to your arguments should be.
I can't comment on the differences between Dota 2 and League because I've only played Dota a few times, but yeah I've noticed that too especially when I first played.

I feel like it'll take me a year or even more to fully be familiar with all the aspects of League, I honestly learn something new whenever I play & there's always something to improve in. And this is coming from someone who started really getting into it just in April.
That's funny.. I started last April. xD The game takes years. Most Diamond 1 players have been playing since Season 1, so consider that. :p
Oh still misrepresenting things are we? At least you're not misrepresenting LoL this time, so I guess that's new?

There's a difference between what you do and what everyone else in this thread does. Everyone else wants to enjoy the game in their own form, with the understanding that solo queue is different from the top levels of competitive plays (not to even mention the differences between solo queue and competitive play in general.) So obviously I can't suggest that players consider lane swaps in their solo queue games for example. But if you want to talk about the overall game League of Legends, rather than just solo queue, then I hope you're ready to accept counterarguments using the top levels of play, which you clearly were not. Feel free to reformat your argument to make it only applicable to solo queue as well. Although I haven't played recently, i do have more than 2 years of experience in that as well to see through your thesaurus and into the dark abyss where the substance to your arguments should be.

Dude he plays LoL.

Yeah.. ranked was dreadful when I first began but it was because of my mistakes as a mid laner as well. If lanes lose, you want to roam and try to gank them. lol four people bottom works a lot.

Yeah. That's one of the things I had to fix to start climbing. Some of the biggest mistakes I see in low elo solo-queue:

1. Our team is down 0/4 for example, and there's always that dude who's like: "omg i may as well just quit we can't win".

2. People don't ward enough, and don't take advantage of pink warding the river bushes.

3. People flame and rage too easily.

4. If you lose your lane it's automatically the jungler's fault apparently.

5. When people win lane/winning lane, they don't roam.
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so.......... i can just leave my ign here too right?
aram only okay guys!!1??
I haven't played LoL in a while, it has to update. I'm probably going to be sitting here for a couple days.
I love playing League. I just never find the time to play it for hours anymore. Homework, blegh! >.<
My fave champion is probably Teemo. <3
playing league with random peopleeee in teamspeak if anyone wants to join PM me your username
I started playing league last month, i believe, so i haven't really started that long.
&& killing champions is pretty satisfying.
i'm saving up IP for either sona or jinx or morgana.
Jinx is in the free champion rotation this week, but I'm not picking her because I'm scared I'll screw up trying to use her. I'll stick to my favorite (and the only champ I've bought) Annie.
Jinx is in the free champion rotation this week, but I'm not picking her because I'm scared I'll screw up trying to use her. I'll stick to my favorite (and the only champ I've bought) Annie.

Hey I'll support you some time if you want to try Jinx. She's a really fun and fairly easy champion to use.
I started playing league last month, i believe, so i haven't really started that long.
&& killing champions is pretty satisfying.
i'm saving up IP for either sona or jinx or morgana.

omg yes it is satisfying for me tooooo lols.
all three of those champs are wonderful, jinx is my favorite adc ♥
but ye, morg & jinx are free for this week.
jinx is actually pretty easy to get used to. I made a new account on LAN server and she was the one I used the most out of all those 10 champs they forced us to play LOL.

Morgana is an amazing support but you really have to land those binds and practice a lot. i had a game yesterday where someone missed almost every one yet was calling her adc trash, then made a surrender vote and went afk. ugh people @_@
dota is great and i love it but at the same time it makes you hate everyone and everything.

everyone just needs to calm tf down about "league is better" "dota is better" "league takes more skill" etc.

you like what you like, you don't like what you like. it's about as worthless a conversation as "canon vs. nikon."

get over it and play whatever you want and stop concerning yourself with other people's opinions.

after that giant rant i just realized, why is there a dota poll at the top of a league thread. ?__?

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