Leif Disappeared from my Island?


❄️ Snowy Lesbian!! ❄️
May 17, 2014
Pink Love Letter
Fair Pinwheel
Blue Train Engine
Cute Train Car
Floral Train Car
Yellow Caboose
Mom's Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
Sheep Plush

I was wondering if anybody else has experienced this or has an answer for me. Leif has been on my island all day and I was just buying some shrubs from him (it's almost 11 pm as I write this) after I bought a couple I remembered I used to have a bunch of starts in my storage. I ran up to my house and bumped into Celeste then I entered my house to check my storage.

I pulled the extra starts from my storage and ran all the way back down to my plaza only for him to be gone??

I could've sworn the visiting NPC's always stayed until 5am, no? This has never happened before and I'm really confused. I haven't time travelled or anything - I was talking to him one moment, ran to my house, and now he's gone.

Sorry if this wasn't okay to post!
Leif does not hang around all night. He leaves when Nook's Cranny closes, I believe. Or shortly after.
Leif does not hang around all night. He leaves when Nook's Cranny closes, I believe. Or shortly after.

Oh! Thank you so much. I don’t know why I thought he hung around longer, thank you for telling me!
He will leave at 10:00 pm after you come in some building and come out. Even after 10:00pm and u still see him there ( without relog or come in a building ), talk to him and he will told you next time cause shop closed xD