I was wondering if anybody else has experienced this or has an answer for me. Leif has been on my island all day and I was just buying some shrubs from him (it's almost 11 pm as I write this) after I bought a couple I remembered I used to have a bunch of starts in my storage. I ran up to my house and bumped into Celeste then I entered my house to check my storage.
I pulled the extra starts from my storage and ran all the way back down to my plaza only for him to be gone??
I could've sworn the visiting NPC's always stayed until 5am, no? This has never happened before and I'm really confused. I haven't time travelled or anything - I was talking to him one moment, ran to my house, and now he's gone.
Sorry if this wasn't okay to post!
I was wondering if anybody else has experienced this or has an answer for me. Leif has been on my island all day and I was just buying some shrubs from him (it's almost 11 pm as I write this) after I bought a couple I remembered I used to have a bunch of starts in my storage. I ran up to my house and bumped into Celeste then I entered my house to check my storage.
I pulled the extra starts from my storage and ran all the way back down to my plaza only for him to be gone??
I could've sworn the visiting NPC's always stayed until 5am, no? This has never happened before and I'm really confused. I haven't time travelled or anything - I was talking to him one moment, ran to my house, and now he's gone.
Sorry if this wasn't okay to post!