Victoria of Starry Isle
A fanart I created.
As part of a partnership between NOOK INK. and Leif's Gardening Shop, Nook's Cranny, NOOKAZON and other enterprises by NOOK INC. will be carrying a products from Leif's Gardening Shop permanently. Leif's Gardening Shop's product's will be available for purchase in the plaza permanently at least once every 1-2 weeks. If you visit his store at the plaza, you will have the opportunity to purchase seasonal and exclusive products not available for purchase through any Nook Enterprises. In addition, we will partner up for a nature day event to promote our collaboration. We hope you will continue to support NOOK INC. and Leif's Gardening Shop throughout our business ventures.
As part of a partnership between NOOK INK. and Leif's Gardening Shop, Nook's Cranny, NOOKAZON and other enterprises by NOOK INC. will be carrying a products from Leif's Gardening Shop permanently. Leif's Gardening Shop's product's will be available for purchase in the plaza permanently at least once every 1-2 weeks. If you visit his store at the plaza, you will have the opportunity to purchase seasonal and exclusive products not available for purchase through any Nook Enterprises. In addition, we will partner up for a nature day event to promote our collaboration. We hope you will continue to support NOOK INC. and Leif's Gardening Shop throughout our business ventures.
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