Let me introduce myself.. again!


Junior Member
Nov 17, 2013
Winter Mittens
Hello TBT,

I'm kinda new, I guess. I signed myself up in 2013, but due to reasons I forgot, I didn't come back. Now I want to give this forum a new chance, and will hope to make new Animal Crossing friends.

About myself:

My name is Alfons, I'm 22 years old, and I've played Animal Crossing since Wild World on the DS. I gotta say that the series are pretty addicting to me, and I still have my hopes on for an Animal Crossing on the Wii U.
I live in Holland, in Europe. I like to draw and paint, and once in a week, I go to a fitness centre.

IJsbeer is Dutch for Polar Bear. Those are my favourite animals.

I still hope people play New Leaf, and I'm looking for players around the age of 18-25, if that's okay. But for trading items, everyone of all ages, can make any kind of deals.

Well, I think that's all I gotta say. If you have any questions for me, I'll be glad to answer them. :)

Welcome back! Safe to say I have the same bug, have been playing them for years. Hope to see you round in the future, maybe crack out a few trades here and there, enjoy it!