Now that we've gotten the sadness out of the way, it's time for a happy note! Stu is one of the very first villagers I adopted outside of my immediate Discord social group. So he's pretty special that way.
Dear Stu,
I hope that this letter finds you well, and doesn't wind up under a pile of Cheetos that you got from Nook Prime this morning.
Stu, Stu, Stu. You silly, ridiculous bull. When I ventured to your empty home a month ago, I had no idea what I was getting myself into whatsoever. Someone on another island had contacted me, telling me that a bull was moving out and needed a new home. A new home I would be more than happy to provide!
The minute we first locked eyes, I knew I had made the right decision. I had been advised by both residents and other island owners that bulls were, well, temperamental sorts, who could potentially cause, forgive the pun, locking horns among the residents.
Anybody could look at you and know that this was a load of turnips. That sleepy look you carry around all the time, the semi-permanent can of orange soda in your hoof, and your love of the color blue all told me that you were going to be just another lazy butt enjoying paradise with everyone else.
But there's something else here, Stu. Something that I don't tell a lot of people, but it's true all the same. Back in my original home, my adoptive father's name is, well, Stu. He's a computer engineer who loves to work with robots. He also plays with bugs all day, just like you, though the bugs he plays with are made of 1s and 0s, not exoskeleton and slime. He's laid back and loves to relax under palm trees listening to good rock music, just like you do!
So that right there was what made me realize you belonged here on Carolina. The day you moved in, I promised both myself and your original island's owner that you were going to be spoiled, loved, and surrounded by tons of friends.
What's more, that I couldn't have begun to expect when you moved in, was that you found a different kind of love. The kind of love that one only shares with a special someone, or someones, if so inclined. Yes, Stu, I saw you and Coach bumping snouts and prancing around the Southern beach. And I also saw you and Coach have a lover's spat in the plaza. But then also saw you two sniffing flowers together that same night. While I can't speak to what your parents or Coach's parents may say about this, just know that on Carolina, Love is Love is Love is Love is Love is Love is Love.
After Coach proposed to you with an onion ring, I had to be the one to solemnize it once and for all. With all your friends and neighbors there watching. Even though Apollo started caterwauling in emotion and had to use Ken's tie as a tissue. I still know it was a wonderful time for you two, and for all of us there to help you celebrate.
You're a special part of this island. Hearing your "mroooo" tells me every day is going to be just okay. And so long as there's a silly blue bull roaming Carolina, there will similarly be blue skies just at the horizon.
Keep being awesome, and be good, okay?
P.S. I have a little treat for your pet scorpion Myrtle the next time you're over my house.
Dear Stu,
I hope that this letter finds you well, and doesn't wind up under a pile of Cheetos that you got from Nook Prime this morning.
Stu, Stu, Stu. You silly, ridiculous bull. When I ventured to your empty home a month ago, I had no idea what I was getting myself into whatsoever. Someone on another island had contacted me, telling me that a bull was moving out and needed a new home. A new home I would be more than happy to provide!
The minute we first locked eyes, I knew I had made the right decision. I had been advised by both residents and other island owners that bulls were, well, temperamental sorts, who could potentially cause, forgive the pun, locking horns among the residents.
Anybody could look at you and know that this was a load of turnips. That sleepy look you carry around all the time, the semi-permanent can of orange soda in your hoof, and your love of the color blue all told me that you were going to be just another lazy butt enjoying paradise with everyone else.
But there's something else here, Stu. Something that I don't tell a lot of people, but it's true all the same. Back in my original home, my adoptive father's name is, well, Stu. He's a computer engineer who loves to work with robots. He also plays with bugs all day, just like you, though the bugs he plays with are made of 1s and 0s, not exoskeleton and slime. He's laid back and loves to relax under palm trees listening to good rock music, just like you do!
So that right there was what made me realize you belonged here on Carolina. The day you moved in, I promised both myself and your original island's owner that you were going to be spoiled, loved, and surrounded by tons of friends.
What's more, that I couldn't have begun to expect when you moved in, was that you found a different kind of love. The kind of love that one only shares with a special someone, or someones, if so inclined. Yes, Stu, I saw you and Coach bumping snouts and prancing around the Southern beach. And I also saw you and Coach have a lover's spat in the plaza. But then also saw you two sniffing flowers together that same night. While I can't speak to what your parents or Coach's parents may say about this, just know that on Carolina, Love is Love is Love is Love is Love is Love is Love.
After Coach proposed to you with an onion ring, I had to be the one to solemnize it once and for all. With all your friends and neighbors there watching. Even though Apollo started caterwauling in emotion and had to use Ken's tie as a tissue. I still know it was a wonderful time for you two, and for all of us there to help you celebrate.
You're a special part of this island. Hearing your "mroooo" tells me every day is going to be just okay. And so long as there's a silly blue bull roaming Carolina, there will similarly be blue skies just at the horizon.
Keep being awesome, and be good, okay?
P.S. I have a little treat for your pet scorpion Myrtle the next time you're over my house.