Trading LF: Genji!!


Oct 15, 2013
Yellow Feather
Blue Feather
Pink Feather
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
100% (28) +
Looking for Genji! Unfortunately I'm a little low on bells right now, but I have popular sets and LOADS of hybrids to offer!! He's my last dreamie and I've been looking for him since August, so please please please... If you've got him and you're willing to part with him, he'd be getting a good home in Old Bell!
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Hey, did you get Pashmina yet? <3

Mary is holding her for me, so technically yes, but she's not in my town haha >u<
also I noticed you have Genji ~ I'll be lurking your thread viciously. >:v
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What sets? I have Fauna

I have princess, sweets, gorgeous, regal and mermaid!
EDIT: (actually I don't have the complete regal set, I'm missing the lamp and clock >n<)
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I actually have all those, how many bells would you offer?:3

Oo! I'm getting Fauna because Sparkless and Zora decided to be huge sweethearts, but for Genji and Bruce... I'm not sure how much they go for *A*;; How much did you have in mind?
Same, but that's because she is a deer heh..

Deer are my favorites as well, haha... I developed an obsession over deer sometime last year and then New Leaf came out and BOOM! Deer o:
Me too. Since I got to see Erik I'm kinda hurr durr deer I want 'em all. xD

And well I wonder if she got Diana after all :c