Trading LF Monique

Great Galaxy

Great Member
Aug 6, 2013
Gold Super Mailbox
100% (49) +
Willing to pay moooneey or rare sets I have just about all of them so feel free to ask! Thanks!

5m + Monique

If you don't like my price I might be able to sweeten it just a bit.

I'd like her to be TTd out or already in boxes if possible. Reserving for weeks+ by non-tters is appreciated but I need that 'instant gratification' lol.

Thanks for looking.
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Good luck! ^^
Tiffany is amazing, I simply adore her, I hope you find her, and the rest :3
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Well, I hope you find her.
I had to trade Rosie for to get her for my town D:
It's weird, she doesn't seem overly popular, but the people who have her don't want to give her up D:
Well I do have someone who is trying to TT her out of their town for me as we speak lol. I am leaving her included just in case she moves without saying anything or deal falls through etc.
I have Alice although she hasn't asked to move yet. I'm still working on finding a home for Kid Kat.
I have Monique and would like to get rid of her, it's been a couple of days I'm ignoring her now but Puddles asked to move before her :s
I can reserve mine to you if you want!
I have Monique and would like to get rid of her, it's been a couple of days I'm ignoring her now but Puddles asked to move before her :s
I can reserve mine to you if you want!

I have someone reserving her atm, it's just a matter of the quickest I can get her, and I've explained that to the nice person who is waiting for her to move from his town.

He doesn't TT, and I am guessing you don't either, I'd be better off waiting for his to move lol.

I am most interested in someone willing to TT her out, for 10m~ or so.

Thank you for considering me!
Well I only TT when they said themselves they want to move ^^ just in case I'll think about you if she moves and if you sitll don't have her :)