Hello there guys!
So I really need help with getting 15 pink lilies to complete my small shopping plaza I have!
So I thought I would ask for help here, SO EVEN IF YOU HAVE JUST ONE PINK LILLY TO TRADE, I WILL BE GRATEFUL!!!!! Of course multiple lilies for trade would be best!!
I have tons of things to trade that I hope will interest you!
For hybrids, these are the only ones I have (I suck at these):
- 3 orange lillies
- 1 orange tulip
- 1 pink tulip
- 1 pink windflower
- 1 pink rose
- 1 orange pansy
For crafting materials, I can trade those too! I don't know what is fair, 5 pieces for 1 flower? Idk! I have:
- over 300 stones
- over 250 clays
- over 200 tree branches
Fossils I have these for trade:
- Ankylo torso
- Anomalocaris
- Archaeopteryx
-Brachio tail
- Coprolite 2x
- Deinony tail
- Deinony torso
- Dimetrodon skull
- Diplo chest 2x
-Diplo neck
- Diplo pelvis
- Dunkleosteus
- Iguanodon skull
- Iguanodon torso 2x
- Left ptera wing 2x
- Mammoth skull
- Megacero skull
- Megacero tail
- Megacero torso 2x
- Myllokunmingia
- Pachysaurus skull 3x
- Pachysaurus tail
- Parasaur skull
-Parasaur tail
- Plesio skull
- Ptera body
- Quetzal torso 2x
-Right Ptera wing
- Sabertooth skull
- Sabertooth tail
- Stego skull 2x
- Spino tail
- Stego skull 2x
- Stego torso 4x
- T.Rex skull
- T.Rex torso
-Tricera tail
For DYI, I have one extra one I can trade (LOG BENCH), or I can help craft you something if you provide the materials. I have:
- Crescent Moon chair
- Rose bed
- various sakura recipes
- various bamboo recipes
- various shell recipes
- some fruit furniture
- various stone related recipes (stone-lion dog, outdoor bath, flat garden rock, western-style stone, stone tablet, etc)
- various fences
- terrarium
- stall
- acoustic guitar
- bone doorplate, iron doorplate
- bunch of others, please ask!
I also own the Sanrio posters that I can help catalog for you! Can also catalog the blue and red arcade machines, cute blue furniture, and some others, please ask!
Depending on how many pink lilies you would trade, I would be willing to trade for NMTs, but it will depend on how many!!!!
If you have any other ideas for trade for the lilies, throw em at me, will gladly negotiate!!! I would really like to complete my tiny plaza with pink lilies, so whoever can help, BIGGEST THANK YOU TO YOU!!!!!!!!
So I really need help with getting 15 pink lilies to complete my small shopping plaza I have!
So I thought I would ask for help here, SO EVEN IF YOU HAVE JUST ONE PINK LILLY TO TRADE, I WILL BE GRATEFUL!!!!! Of course multiple lilies for trade would be best!!
I have tons of things to trade that I hope will interest you!
For hybrids, these are the only ones I have (I suck at these):
- 3 orange lillies
- 1 orange tulip
- 1 pink tulip
- 1 pink windflower
- 1 pink rose
- 1 orange pansy
For crafting materials, I can trade those too! I don't know what is fair, 5 pieces for 1 flower? Idk! I have:
- over 300 stones
- over 250 clays
- over 200 tree branches
Fossils I have these for trade:
- Ankylo torso
- Anomalocaris
- Archaeopteryx
- Coprolite 2x
- Deinony tail
- Deinony torso
- Dimetrodon skull
- Diplo chest 2x
- Diplo pelvis
- Dunkleosteus
- Iguanodon skull
- Iguanodon torso 2x
- Left ptera wing 2x
- Mammoth skull
- Megacero skull
- Megacero tail
- Megacero torso 2x
- Myllokunmingia
- Pachysaurus skull 3x
- Pachysaurus tail
- Parasaur skull
- Plesio skull
- Ptera body
- Quetzal torso 2x
- Sabertooth skull
- Sabertooth tail
- Stego skull 2x
- Spino tail
- Stego skull 2x
- Stego torso 4x
- T.Rex skull
- T.Rex torso
For DYI, I have one extra one I can trade (LOG BENCH), or I can help craft you something if you provide the materials. I have:
- Crescent Moon chair
- Rose bed
- various sakura recipes
- various bamboo recipes
- various shell recipes
- some fruit furniture
- various stone related recipes (stone-lion dog, outdoor bath, flat garden rock, western-style stone, stone tablet, etc)
- various fences
- terrarium
- stall
- acoustic guitar
- bone doorplate, iron doorplate
- bunch of others, please ask!
I also own the Sanrio posters that I can help catalog for you! Can also catalog the blue and red arcade machines, cute blue furniture, and some others, please ask!
Depending on how many pink lilies you would trade, I would be willing to trade for NMTs, but it will depend on how many!!!!
If you have any other ideas for trade for the lilies, throw em at me, will gladly negotiate!!! I would really like to complete my tiny plaza with pink lilies, so whoever can help, BIGGEST THANK YOU TO YOU!!!!!!!!
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