Hi, I'm interested in 32 Admiral and 35 Weber. I have 150 Coco, 032 Bluebear, 075 Amelia, 299 Francine, 166 Kitty, 186 Charlise and 194 Gladys I can offer for them or if any of the cards in my thread interest you more you can pick and choose. Thanks!
Hello! I know it's still pretty recent from our last trade, but I have 321 Mallary if you want to trade 392 Cranston for him. No pressure![]()
Hello there. I know we just finished up a trade but since I just received my series 3 I was wondering.
I have: 220, 237, 239, 255, 259, 285
I need: 221, 275, 277, 288, 290
Since I can't match up my regulars I was wondering what you are willing to trade for what i have.
Hi, Ayanie, I have to offer you: 011 Harriet; 059 Nate; 075 Amelia; 082 Goose; 088 Clay; 186 Charlise; 202 Blathers; 217 Jingle; 242 Chevre; 250 Ava; 252 Merry; 283 Frank; 297 Apollo; 302 Brewster; 330 Croque; 331 Pashmina; 339 Frita; 362 Static; 389 Bruce; 395 Cally; 397 Iggly.
I request from you (and I have no idea if this is near the ratio you have above, so please let me know): WA 19 Maddie; WA 21 Boyd; WA 47 Buzz. Also, 008 Timmy; 012 Redd; 055 Snake; 087 Bunnie; 139 Blaire; 146 Rodney; 191 Marcel; 200 Rocket; 215 Isabelle; 219 Anchovy; 234 Marina; 248 Hazel; 318 Stitches.
Thank you for considering my offer!
I have:
301 Isabelle
302 Brewster
310 Timmy
330 Croque
331 Pashmina
339 Frita
359 Apple*
397 Iggly
400 Robin
I'll trade them to you for:
132 Vladimir
234 Marina
288 Ankha
I have: 002 Tom Nook, 183 Camofrog, 194 Gladys, 206 Pete, 237 Bam, 269 Bree, 270 Rooney, and 300 Chrissy
2 special cards and 6 regular
And would like to trade for: 207 Mabel, 311 Lottie, 019 Fauna, 031 Sheldon, 038 Midge, 070 Biff, 134 Kidd, and 143 Olivia
2 Special cards and 6 regular