Trading LF Smug Personality


Senior Member
Sep 17, 2013
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
100% (16) +
Ive been playing over 2 months and I havent had a smug villager yet and it seems like a personality I would really like so Im seeking them out :)

Plus no Smug PWPs

Ones I like:
Colton*, Curlos*, Ed, Julian, Kidd*, Kyle, Lopez, Zell


I really want one off my list since I have a feeling he will be in my village for quite awhile

I can offer bells and hybrid flowers
Though im not rich by any stretch of the imagination XD

also i think i have the wrong prefix on this thread
its my first time making a thread looking for villagers, sorry! D:
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Smug is one of the best in my opinion. Kidd is pretty underrated and also Ken! They're both cool but Marshal and Julian get all the attention.
i actually really dont like Marshal X3
Julian is fabulous but I like Colton more

I really like Kidd, I think hes actually my favorite after looking through them all
I reeeeeally dont like chicken villagers, Broffina just wont move out
Marshal is so overrated.. I prefer a female squirrel :). Yeah, I had Kidd and he was pretty cool with his vest shirt (xD) but he asked to move like 7 times so I just let him go for newer villagers. I actually am not a fan of the chickens either but I like Ken. Julian is alright.
Im not really partial to squirrels, I had like 5 of them when I was playing my last game and I just burned out on them

My favorite are sheep and deer right now
mostly sheep though *A*
You should totally go for Kyle!
He's a sweetie and I love him too bits omg.
I really only want Kyle because he looks like a german shepard and theyre my favorite dogs ;A;

/told my fiance i wanted one for my wedding present
I know he's not on the list, but would you like to take Graham off my hands? He's moving out, and I can TT him into boxes if you'd like him. I don't really want anything in particular for him, so if you're interested, let me know. :)
I really appreciate it, but Im not very partial to hamsters and I really want to hold out for a smug Ill really love

Thank you so much though! ;)
Thank you, but i think im going to hold out for someone on my list

Really have my heart set on Kidd now ;A;

I appreciate it though, thank you so much!
Want Eugene?

^^^ I PMed you about something.

And Good luck elegysanft. Wish you posted something sooner! I gave away Zell this afternoon. I hope you find someone on your list, smug personality has definitely made it up to my favorite.
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i think i was actually following the board at work and was just sobbing inside XD
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Awh, I'm so sorry! You'll find someone just as great. Especially if you get Kidd! He's darling.