Life in Holywood (xD)-Day 1

Bread Kennedys

Aug 23, 2013
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Welcome to my life of living in a small town called Holywood. So we'll start this with Day 1, also known as the brilliant Chapter 1!
So I step off the train into a small train station, and see the beautiful town of Holywood. Pango, Hampfrey and Bettina were there to greet me when I got off the train. My (sorta cute, yet annoying) secretary was also there. Her name was Isabelle. So I walked with Isabelle to the Town Hall and got to move into my new house, which is currently a tent but is still fine and roomy. I got the bill from the landlord, Tom Nook, which was a bill of 10,000 Bells. I finally was able to plant the tree, and talked with my buddies, Poncho and Hampfrey. We enjoyed our talk, but I noticed it was getting late, so I went home and went to bed, wondering what the next day would be like, also dreaming about it.

That's the end of Chapter/Day 1, hope you enjoyed it!
Also, don't think this is a fan fiction. This is more of a blog entry, combined with fan fiction, making it blog fiction. (Well, you get the point xD)