Life In Skynet...


Hippie Witch
Aug 3, 2013
Throwback Tickets
October Birthstone (Opal)
Has gotten weird.

For the first time since I started playing AC, my approval rating is stuck at 85% and won't go up. Changing catchphrases and accepting bad T-shirts I don't really want no longer counts as helping my villagers. No matter, how much fishing I did, I could still only find one measly boot.

I can't tell if Bubbles or Eloise is the town Snob, and I still can't figure out if Sally the squirrel is simply wearing too much make-up or is really that bored.

And apparently only villagers are allowed to build next to walls. Not the mayor who is in charge of running of the town and has say over where pretty much everything goes. Seriously, you'd think these people -- ahem, animals -- would at least need a zoning permit before just plopping their house down!
I logged into the game today and the first thing I saw, not even ten feet away from my house and right up against the mountain wall where the waterfall is, was a space reserved for Hans the gorilla. Honestly, I never understood the animosity towards gorillas among AC fans.
Then I Googled Hans and.....Well, I get it. I really it. It also doesn't help that he's a Smug villager, so he'll be hitting on me 24/7 and he seems to have been based off a combination of Austin Powers and Howard Wolowitz. Yeah, who wouldn't love to have that in their village? -_-

Oh, and to top things off, Snake the rabbit has confessed his love for me. His exact words were, "You...I....Your clothes....The clothes you're wearing....LOOK VERY NICE TODAY!"
Okay, so maybe not an actual confession, but enough of an awkward compliment to make things...Well, awkward. Although, I have to admit, after hearing him say that, I definitely find Snake a lot less terrifying.
Maybe we can be friends yet.
Ahh, that explains a lot. I actually donated my Wii to Freewill a while ago because my husband and I just stopped using it cause we only bought, like, one game for it. We got a lot more mileage out of our 3DS systems, thankfully.