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Eligible Life on Aria 🎶

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Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Star Glow Wand
Galaxy Cupcake
Yellow Crescent Moon
Planet Glow Wand
Red Super Star Trophy
Red Star Fragment
Yellow Star Fragment
Green Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Purple Star Fragment

I finally returned home after being away for a while, and what did I find? Cockroaches! Hearing them crunch under my feet made me feel ill, but there was no other option.


I felt like I could see their souls drifting away... But that was just my imagination of course. Cockroaches are soulless creatures. The only bug creepier than a cockroach is a house centipede, and thankfully those don't seem to be native to Aria. If an islander were to ever bring one of those here... Well, they wouldn't be living on Aria much longer.


Once every cockroach in my house had been exterminated, I decided I was in need of some retail therapy, so I threw on some clean clothes and headed to Nook's Cranny. Unfortunately, I didn't end up finding anything that I liked, but it was nice to see Timmy and Tommy again. I'm not sure how aging works for tanuki, but they really didn't seem to have aged a day! I wanted to be able to say, "Look how tall you both have gotten!" But they were still the same height as they were when I left... Well, I'm sure they'll have a growth spurt soon.


After the cockroaches and the shopping fail, I decided to call it a day and turn in early.​
Today I decide to take a trip to Harv's Island and visit the plaza! My first stop was Kicks. I ended up buying a new handbag.​

Next I went over to see what Redd had to offer. I had to try my hand at the raffle, of course. I won a donut! I also purchased a gallant statue after giving it a thorough inspection.


I didn't need anything from Leif, but I couldn't just pass by without at least saying hi!

Then it was over to Cyrus and Reese. I'd picked up an elegant lamp at Nook's Cranny before heading to the plaza, so I had Cyrus customize that for me while I was there. I think it looks much cuter like this!

Saharah was visiting Aria today, so she wasn't at the plaza.

Last but not least, I couldn't leave without finding out my luck for the day, so my final stop was Katrina!
As a side gig, I do detective work from time to time. Aria has a low crime rate, so it's usually pretty slow, but today a serious crime was committed on the island. Lily came to my office in tears. Between sobs she told me the story of how she had left a cookie on the table to enjoy once she had finished with her morning walk, but when she had returned from the walk her cookie was missing. Not a single crumb remained. I was of course horrified to learn that such a crime had occurred on Aria of all places, so I promised Lily that I would get to the bottom of this case and find the perpetrator!

To get started, I needed to check out the scene of the crime. Lily told me that she'd locked the door when she'd went out but had left the window cracked. I checked the window and the plate Lily's cookie had been on, but I couldn't find any evidence left by the perpetrator. As we stepped back outside, something caught my eye. Lily's house had security cameras! She gasped when I asked about them. She'd completely forgotten they were there. We reviewed the footage from the camera on the front of the house first, but we weren't able to see anything useful. We then checked the camera on the back of the house, and at first it seemed like that camera hadn't captured anything useful either, but then, I saw it. For a moment there was something that moved past the corner of the frame heading to the right.

I jumped up and began to run in that direction, telling Lily to wait at her house. I couldn't see any footprints or tracks in the snow, and I slowed when I reached Bangle's house. If the perpetrator had continued in this direction, then maybe Bangle would have seen something? I knocked on Bangle's door. She wasn't home.

No matter, I continued heading right until I reached the beach where I came across a set of tracks heading straight to the ocean. They looked familiar, but at the time I couldn't recall what kind of creature makes such tracks. For some, this may have been a dead end, but I knew just what I had to do. I quickly ran home, changed into my wetsuit and snorkel mask, and into the water I went!

While swimming, I kept an eye out for suspicious activity, but my real goal was to find someone who I thought might be able to give me some information. And finally, I spotted him. Pascal! I waved him down and asked him if he'd seen anything suspicious. His answer was a bit cryptic, but I determined he was trying to tell me to that I needed to check the other side of the island. I gave him a scallop for his help and swam around to the opposite shore.

Pascal had been right! As soon as I reached the shore I saw tracks identical to the ones I'd seen on the other side of the island. I snapped a quick picture in case it was needed for evidence, and then I followed the tracks down the beach.

Aha! The tracks led me straight to a horseshoe crab! He denied the accusation of cookie theft at first, but he quickly broke down in tears, confessing to the crime. He said that they didn't have cookies in the ocean, and he'd always wanted to try one, so when he'd seen the cookie on Lily's table through the open window, he hadn't been able to resist. I sympathized with him a bit, a life without cookies isn't a life at all, but still, it was no excuse for theft! If he'd wanted a cookie he should have just asked!

In the end, Mr. Horseshoe Crab apologized to Lily and was sentenced to three days in the Gyroid Dungeon for his crimes. Hopefully the gyroids will be able to rehabilitate him.

Also, I baked Lily a fresh cookie!

Another case solved.​
Today was the start of the great flower purge. Aria is covered in random patches of flowers, so I've made the executive decision to remove all but two of each flower from the island. I don't know what possessed me to have so many flowers in the first place. I don't need that many flowers. I never needed that many flowers.

I started with the pansies. Once my pockets were stuffed full with the wretched things, I made my way over to Nook's Cranny to sell them. And then I repeated that process until I was left with two of each pansy. Getting rid of all the blue pansies was painful. I actually liked those a lot... Well, I can always grow more in the future if I need to.

And then it was on to the windflowers. Maybe it's because they're native to Aria, but these are my favorite flowers that grow here. While I worked on these I listened to Wind flower by Mamamoo and Wind Flower by IU. In the end, it was a job well done.


Multiple trips to Nook's Cranny and a few broken shovels later, I decided to call it a day. I'll get to the other flowers later...​
As much as I would've liked to do anything else today, I knew that I had to continue with the flower purge. If I allowed myself to skip a day then one day would become two and so on.

So I grabbed my shovel and headed to the roses!

Finally done. No, I don't have any gold roses... Let's not talk about it...

After the roses it was time for the mums.


Once I was finished with those I decided to head to The Roost to relax and drink some coffee.

When I eventually finish clearing all of these unnecessary flowers, I'd like to work on sprucing up Aria. I'd be happy if I could get it looking like an enchanted forest!​




It was the final day of the great flower purge, and today's victims were the tulips, lilies, hyacinths, and cosmos. Unlike the roses, windflowers, mums, and pansies, which were in patches, these flowers were randomly scattered around the island. After running here and there to dig up all of these flowers, I finally finished. And I realized I didn't actually have two of each of all of these flowers...

With most of the flowers gone Aria has a lot of empty space that needs to be filled. I'm not entirely sure how to fill that space, but I'll think of something!

I decided to reward myself with a trip the museum, specifically the aquarium section. It's so peaceful there. Whale sharks are one of my favorite animals, so I can't help but marvel at the one in the aquarium.

I started my day with a trip to the farm. The crops had grown in nicely, so I harvested a few before heading off to go work on the flowers some more.



I realized that I needed to move all of the flowers to a different part of the island to free up some space. This area was so empty afterwards!

Once that was dealt with I headed to the orchard for some fruit. It was time to start moving and mixing the trees, and I'd need some extra strength to be able to dig them up. Before today the cedar trees were all up on the hills while the hardwood trees occupied the lowland, but now I've started mixing them together. I'll have to plant some more trees in the now flower-free area as well.

My next project after this will be redecorating my home. I've never been good at interior decorating, so it's very lackluster at the moment, but I'll do my best!​
I'm horrible at interior decorating. So I decided to try redecorating my house today. The bathroom and bedroom were okay, so I'm focusing on the living room, kitchen, and upstairs room.

I never really bothered with the living room before, so this is what little I had in it:

A clean slate:

And this is how it looks so far after redecorating it for a bit today:

I still need to put things on the walls and ceiling and figure out which items to put in the front of the room. I couldn't find any good items for that area in my storage, so I'll look through my catalog and DIYs to see what I can order/make that will fit there.​
It was tedious, but I finished decorating the living room today. Not sure how good it looks, but it's the best I could do!



After that I had to decide between working on the upstairs room or the kitchen. The kitchen seemed more daunting, so I went with the upstairs room. I wanted to make it into a library/study. Here's the before picture:

And here's how it looked after I'd added some things to it:



I changed the wallpaper, but I kept the flooring as it was. I wanted it to have a darker vibe, but I wanted it to have a lot of plants as well!

I also made a few adjustments to the dungeon. I added a chandelier and more candles, and I changed the walls to have cells on only one side.
I couldn't avoid it any longer. It was finally time to tackle the kitchen. Looking at the before picture, you can really see how I gave up on it. It was somehow still better than the living room and upstairs room originally were though...

And here it is, empty and ready to be redecorated!

This is how far I managed to get today:

I'd say it's about halfway done. I need another chair and some other items before I can finish the rest. It'll probably take another trip or two to Cyrus as well. Having things in the right color and the right type of wood is a challenge. I'll probably end up swapping out the wallpaper too. I'm not really feeling the white simple-cloth wall.​
I finished decorating the kitchen today. I did end up switching out the white wallpaper for yellow. Here's the final product:



My bedroom was mostly okay, but I also made a few changes to it. I forgot to take a before picture, but luckily I already had a picture of it from a previous journal entry:



With the redecorating of my house finally done, I headed back to the outdoors. It was time to plant some trees. Hopefully Aria will look a little nicer once they've grown in. I also continued my work of mixing up the cedar and hardwood trees.

The problem though with wanting Aria to be an enchanted forest island is that it is currently winter. Everything is covered in snow. The forest I picture is lush and green... Sigh. Well, I'm sure things will look better once the snow melts.​
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