Trading Lily is moving…looking for Tammy the bear! **read**


Junior Member
Sep 5, 2013
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:) tumblr_mmr2umJjh41qfsxpyo1_500.jpg:)

Hey, people! Lily, the normal frog, is moving on the 12th. I'm not sure if she's popular, but she is cute~

My ideal way is to trade her for either the bear villager Tammy, mush furniture or for bells (13,000 at the most)

Her current settings are:

Catchphrase: #nofilter
Shirt: Icy
Greeting: Pleas GTFO Lily (I'm working on resettting that)

Please respond ASAP if you're interested~

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I have Lily but my little sister wants to steal her off me, would 1 million bells be a good price for her so I can give her my sister if no one else bids?x
tammy is sooo cute shes my wife in my town shes never leaving but i do hope you get her. she appears in giveaways a lot so if you dont get her from a trade i hope you get her later ! :)
If you can tell me how to get her to move, I want Tammy out of my town

She is free!
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The 14th you say? Could you wait until it is that date in real? I'd like her in my new town but I haven't reset yet. I should be done by tomorrow or Monday.

I can offer you the wall, floor, stool, dresser, bed, and tv c:

I can also give you 25K and a few Gracie items?
I definitely just voided Lily this morning because no one wanted her. T_T