Looking For Limberg,

Hey! I have Limberg :) I can work to get him into boxes for you? (This is for NL, right?)
Alright! PM me when you’re ready for me to get him into boxes!
ok :D also how are you gonna get him in boxes (can I know ur method for kicking villagers)

I TT day by day until I get a ping! Limberg lives pretty far away from everyone else so as far as I’m aware, he is 100% original right now!
I TT day by day until I get a ping! Limberg lives pretty far away from everyone else so as far as I’m aware, he is 100% original right now!
Yea when he was in my ww town he was living very far from everyone, I have a question, who in my town should move out (they are in my signature) Dizzy or Axel
Yea when he was in my ww town he was living very far from everyone, I have a question, who in my town should move out (they are in my signature) Dizzy or Axel

Well I can’t actually decide for you, but I am an avid lover of jock villagers. I think it’d be good to keep Axel and let Dizzy go but please just go with what you yourself want! :)
Dizzy has been in my town longer and axel is kinda cuter in my opinion

If you think Axel is cuter, then keep Axel. That’s what I would do anyway since you already have Stitches (another lazy villager) and no other jock villagers!