Auction Lionel the Smug Lion [Auction over.]


erik is air, erik is life
Sep 22, 2013
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
100% (49) +
I hate this guy so much, and he's FINALLY leaving, so I'm auctioning him off. I'll extend the auction if nobody bids :) He's moving on the 14th; I'd prefer not to TT but if you really want me to I will. Auction has been extended and will end at October 10th, 4:00 PM EST.

He's a not very popular villager, so the SB is pretty cheap xD

SB: 50k
MI: 10k
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- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh, never mind. I just saw that this was ending the 14th. I have someone giving him to me on the 12th, but i figured if I could get him for cheap early that it would be worth it. 100k if you TT. Otherwise, retract my bid.
Hey, just a heads up,
There are more people trying to get rid of him than there are people trying to take him. I'm not sure he's worth anything. I might be wrong though.
Good luck.
I'm willing to TT :)

(Question: if I TT him out and I TT back to the previous date, will he still be gone?)
Awesome, I hate living in the future xDD

Auction ending in a few minutes. Last chance to snag him!
Yes, he's my only villager that's moving. I like all my other ones :)
Oh, yeah, I've never sold a villager before so I guess I wanted to try it. ;u;

edit; NINJA'D.

And yes, you will win, unless someone somehow manages to bid in the next minute.
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Auction over; Winner is Danger0187 with a bid of 100k :)

So I just TT to the 13th (when he's in boxes) and you convince him to come?
Yes... We'll also need to exchange friend codes. Mine is 3909-7963-6319. We'll both need to add one another and then you open your gates. I give you the 100k and then talk to Lionel.
My internet isn't working correctly right now, I'm afraid you may have to wait until tomorrow to get him :( I'll do the best I can.
Ok... It would work better for me to come pick him up after 5:30 Bell Tree time anyway, so if you could get it working in the next hour or so, that would be awesome. If not, I can probably just grab him tomorrow from you.