List of all possible maps?


Bunnies are the best <3
Nov 20, 2013
Throwback Tickets
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Small Mailbox
So I decided to reset because I'm not happy with my peninsula and my two south river exits. However, for what I want to do with my island, I need a central airport and resident services and my original pick of two south river mouths was because those are the maps with that setup.

To know what my chances for that setup with left/right river mouths are, I'd need to look at all possible maps. I checked several websites as the wiki has no map list yet, but all the lists shown there were also incomplete and made at game release, and so far I have only seen one west-river-map which has a setup that would work for me in those incomplete lists. That's not enough to make me happy (one map choice only+airport color+native fruit+peninsula position would mean 60+ hours of resetting, likely), so I really need that full list and by now, I'm sure dataminers have found it somewhere.

But where is that surely-existing list? Can someone point me in the right direction?
You can't have the full list because dataminers have not found anything. The maps are generated when it's time to pick a map. However, by now you must have seen other peoples' maps so that can give you idea on what is possible in a starting map.

Central airports do exist and I have seen a couple of people post their RS and their airport line up perfectly.
Oh, from what I remember from my first round of resetting for a map, there's a fixed amount of maps in the sense of river/airport/resident services placements and only the dock/peninsula/beaches change. I had hoped that would lead to someone being able to find the "base maps" without the variable things. :/ This is honestly disappointing, guess I need to see if I can make the map list on my own then by checking every website listing some under the sun.

I don't need to have the airport and RS line up perfectly (in fact, RS a bit to the right is more preferred to me, it should just still be in the central grid square), just the general placement is important to me. As in, the more RS is in the center of the map and not just middle but pretty much at the bottom. Just being scared there might be just one single map having what I need, I guess.

But thank you, at least I know now why no one is posting a map list! :)
I was looking for similar and settled on this one:


It's not dead centred but its pretty close and this one cropped up a few times for me with slightly different secret beach placements and airport placements.
Oh, from what I remember from my first round of resetting for a map, there's a fixed amount of maps in the sense of river/airport/resident services placements and only the dock/peninsula/beaches change. I had hoped that would lead to someone being able to find the "base maps" without the variable things. :/ This is honestly disappointing, guess I need to see if I can make the map list on my own then by checking every website listing some under the sun.

I don't need to have the airport and RS line up perfectly (in fact, RS a bit to the right is more preferred to me, it should just still be in the central grid square), just the general placement is important to me. As in, the more RS is in the center of the map and not just middle but pretty much at the bottom. Just being scared there might be just one single map having what I need, I guess.

But thank you, at least I know now why no one is posting a map list! :)

There was a streamer who was resetting for maps for around 6 hours. You could speed through it and take a look at the maps she got. There was one map that she only got once in the 6 hours of resetting (which was the heart pond one someone just posted above me) Some maps she got more frequently versus some others. Let me find the link. (

edit: I also have the heart pond that is posted above me but the RS does not line up perfectly to the airport, the door of the RS straight down to the airport is off by 1 square.
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edit: I also have the heart pond that is posted above me but the RS does not line up perfectly to the airport, the door of the RS straight down to the airport is off by 1 square.

Mine too, I was frustrated at first but then I did a slight work around.

Airport Entrance

Leads to
It's not dead centred but its pretty close and this one cropped up a few times for me with slightly different secret beach placements and airport placements.
OMG thank you so much, that would indeed be working for me as well! So that's two maps then which I know now would work! :D
There was a streamer who was resetting for maps for around 6 hours. You could speed through it and take a look at the maps she got. There was one map that she only got once in the 6 hours of resetting (which was the heart pond one someone just posted above me) Some maps she got more frequently versus some others. Let me find the link. (

edit: I also have the heart pond that is posted above me but the RS does not line up perfectly to the airport, the door of the RS straight down to the airport is off by 1 square.
Thank you so much! I'll definitely take a look at that video! <3 And yeah I really don't need the RS and airport to line up perfectly - in fact it would seem more natural to me if they didn't, it's more that I want around the same distance to run from all sides of the map so I like things centered than me needing a perfect fit. :)