Little help please


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2008
Love Tokens
Cupid Coins
Okay, so I finally got my friend code and whatnot, now I would like for someone to come over. But I have one problem... I don't know how this works! I mean do I give you my friend code and then you give me yours and you come over? Help a girl out. :'(
Once someone posts on your thread do the following Instructions:

How to Add Someone:

1.Press The Heart Icon on the Menu
2.Press "Friend Roster"
3.Press Register
4.Enter thier Friend Code,name and town.
5.Enter any comments and then you just added someone

How To Open Gates/VIsit towns:

Opening Gates:

1.Go to Copper inside the gate.
2.Press INvite Guests
3.You will save then Connect to NIntendo WFC then your gate will open
4.Then step outside and wait for osmeone to come in.

Going to Other towns:
1.Talk to Copper inside the gate.
2.Press I wanna go out!
3.You will Save then Connect to NIntendo WFC
4.Copper will show you a list of towns to visit.
5.Click the TOwn you want to visit then press Confirm.
6.Then you will enter the town.

Hope I helped.