Vex L'Cour
Weebalicious Furry.
So whilst I was walking through the gum-covered streets of Worthing, overcast skies overhead and a second hand 3DS in my pocket and a copy of Alpha Sapphire in my inner coat pocket my memory drifted...
TBT! Where I had originally found how fun Animal Crossing was with friends, with the intention of buying New Leaf in the next couple of days I will hopefully be active again. I guess only a >FEW< old members will remember me where as many new ones won't. Last activity was 2012....
TBT! Where I had originally found how fun Animal Crossing was with friends, with the intention of buying New Leaf in the next couple of days I will hopefully be active again. I guess only a >FEW< old members will remember me where as many new ones won't. Last activity was 2012....

Well, when I was last on I was sat in my tiny ass room at my mom's house, playing a little bit of Wii to pass the time on my really old laptop which took awhile to load TBT. Since I have been through an Xbox 360 and another laptop, I now own a custom built PC which laughs in the face of new releases (Fallout 4 and Star Wars Battlefront are fun). I have moved out and now have a Fianc?e who I am extremely happy with, life is looking up for me, even if I have the adult struggle of mortgages and bills!
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