Looking for a particular Wendell pattern?


Senior Member
Dec 23, 2008
well, i got this idea from the thread about the big blue seal or whatever. when i was reading the post, i noticed a few people mention how they're collecting patterns from the beached whale of a thing.

so maybe we can start by each of us posting what we have collected from wendell for people to more easily get the patterns they're seeking (and if you have pictures, it would be great to go by).

here's what i've got. i'll update this first post whenever i get anymore, and make bold what i have above my spoiler, showing the pictures. if anyone needs these patterns just send a PM and i'll be happy to run them over for free. <3 i'm not sure what exactly i'm looking for... maybe just something that looks like a simple stepping stone or whatever.

Resetti, Pelly, Ground, Horizontal Path, Stairs
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">http://i367.photobucket.com/albums/oo119/Nedrian






I have horizontal path, horizontal track, coloring KK, coloring Resetii, coloring Nook, and that's about it.
#Garrett said:
So your taking offers or just wanting 2 know what people want?
i think i plainly stated in the first place people could post what they have and what they want, and maybe do some trading here if this could work.
i have coloring resetti and coloring house i would trade for the horizantle path or ground
Ron Ronaldo said:
Those looking for a specific pattern may find it interesting to know that what you give Wendell determines what you get, at least according to this guide. ^^ http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/933195/54999

Control + F Wendell and you'll see a list of what you get for what you give. I haven't gotten to see how accurate it is yet, though.
the guide is pretty good, as i've gotten everything right so far. the meaning of this post though was so people that don't time travel or have the time every week to find wendell and get exactly what they want could possibly get a pattern they want sooner - and when wendell does come, maybe get another pattern they like.

to the people that have wanted patterns, i'll be on in a little while and i can come to your towns to hand the ones you want over. =)
just got he "stairs" pattern today from wendell. here are some pictures:

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Spoiler: click to toggle</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">

captaj12 said:
how do u trade designs or give them 2 someone?
you would go to their town, go into their able's store, and replace one of the patterns on the 8 spaces that are able to be display personal designs. you choose one that the person doesn't really care for (of course) and then it's theirs.