Looking for Ace Attorney and Professor Layton fans (and someone with T&T Emporium)

Oct 2, 2016
100% (12) +
Looking for Ace Attorney and Professor Layton fans (and someone with T&T Emporium)

Hi! My name is Minako, and I am a HUGE fan of the Ace Attorney and Professor Layton series'. At my school, I have no one to play ACNL with and it's driving me nuts! If someone who likes one (or both) of those series' and wants to hang out, that would be perfect. Bonus points if you have T&T Emporium! (I don't and it's starting to get kinda boring.)

Hope I can find someone!
i still need to beat the new pw and i really need to get through the professor layton games, but so much math /dies.
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I'm a huge fan of both series. I'm currently playing through the previous AA titles before I pick up Spirit of Justice.

Edit: I have T&T Emporium.
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