Looking For Looking for Ankha, Friga or Whitney!


Junior Member
May 22, 2020
0% (0) +
So I already have 9 of my DREAMIES and noticed I don't have a snooty dreamy, I think these three are the best snooty villagers so I'm looking for them!
If anyone has them, we can negotiate the price, I can only pay in bells

I have Whitney in boxes. How many bells would you have to offer for her? :)
Hi! Sorry for the late response, Friga has more priority right now, so if I can't get her I will contact you back, right now I can pay 1 Million bells or more

No worries! She's supposed to leave tomorrow, but I'll cycle the day backwards so that the day doesn't end :) Could you let me know by Sunday please? Hoping to get my town design back on track after the weekend is over.
No worries! She's supposed to leave tomorrow, but I'll cycle the day backwards so that the day doesn't end :) Could you let me know by Sunday please? Hoping to get my town design back on track after the weekend is over.
Yes! Whenever I can I will tell you :)