Looking for ANY type of bed!!! Will pay 5,000 bells!


Junior Member
Jul 27, 2012
I'm looking for any type of bed. I started a town 2 days ago and have not got one yet. And to me, a house without a bed just isn't right. I like the modern/robo beds the best if I must have a preference. I WILL pay 5,000 bells for it, no matter what type of bed.
OK, if you want to trade it I'll give you the 5,000 ^_^ My FC is 0004-0023-9355, name is Rocket and town is Lolita (with a star at the end of it, not a *). Please tell me yours, and then we can talk about times, etc. Thanks :3
FC is in the about me section on my profile, probs cant get it to you until tuesday though
Guys it's OK, my friend literally just gave me a bed! I'm sorry for any inconvienience, if that's how it's spelt, and Bidoof, is it OK if I just trade for the Horizon Wall now?
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