Looking for Bells.


Animal Crossing Fanatic
Jul 2, 2019
Red Cosmos
Tasty Cake
Silver Mailbox
User Title Color Change
87.5% (12) +
So, I want to max my awesome home, right? That costs a lot of Bells! Who can give me a TON of Bells? It would make my day! ;)
Sure, let's all give you 20,000,000 bells each for the heck of it...

Seriously though, I just traded 30 perfect fruit baskets with someone and made 972,000 bells with my Bell Boom town initiative (900,000 without Bell Boom). Took hardly any time and little effort. Farm an orchard of perfect fruits to trade and visit the islands just once a week farming beetles. You'll max your house out in no time.
Jayden I added you, add me back 4786-0710-2157. I have some cash I can share.
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Me too if thats alright! i need bells too ;w;
Sure, let's all give you 20,000,000 bells each for the heck of it...

Seriously though, I just traded 30 perfect fruit baskets with someone and made 972,000 bells with my Bell Boom town initiative (900,000 without Bell Boom). Took hardly any time and little effort. Farm an orchard of perfect fruits to trade and visit the islands just once a week farming beetles. You'll max your house out in no time.

Eh, this is all true, but a lot of people are willing to give away igb on here. They don’t have much value.

If someone is too lazy and impatient to wait the time into paying off the loans when they could literally do an upgrade every day then they just want everyone to play the game for them. Why not give them most furniture sets for free? Let's not forget to fund all of their public works projects and donate all items to their museum too.

Because one person agreed to give them a bunch of bells for free it caused Tsukiko to create a thread asking for someone to fund their home loans too. Eventually it's going to be multiple people making threads asking everyone to fund their house because they seen it worked for one person. People need to stop holding their hands out wanting others to play the entire game for them. It's not hard doing the home upgrades.


I received this PM and hadn't checked it until after writing this reply. Another reason why no one should have funded the person's house proving my point.

hi, i saw you offered to give someone bells and i was wondering if you could spare me some? i need to upgrade my house plus get some pwps done
also if you want/dont mind, i can take a basket of perfect apples lol"

I NEVER offered to donate bells to someone. And this person tries to take advantage of seeing someone helping the person, too lazy to read my post properly and messages me too trying to get bells. Then asks me for perfect fruits? Um, no.
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