Trading Looking for Del - Paying: 2 million Bells

Ai Priestess

Senior Member
Nov 6, 2013
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
10 Envelopes
100% (24) +

UPDATE: 11.12.13 - Drago has been adopted! Thank you makayla123 from the ACC! You're a sweetheart!

UPDATE: 11.12.13 - Someone has graciously reserved Del for me!

Currently Del and Drago are the only two dreamies that I'm looking for at the moment. It has been a challenge to find either one up for adoption or trade. So to help along with this search I am offering to pay Bells for my boys.

I will have a free space in my town! Penelope is moving out on the 18th.

As Drago has been adopted, I will be looking for Del. I can offer a maximum of 2 million Bells for Del. I will not offer more than the amount I have set aside. If you want more than 2 million for Del I will have to pass, I'm sorry.

If you have Del up for trade, or adoption, please PM me with your FC and when they will be moving. :)
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Adding 1 mil to each villager.

(so you'll pay 2mil each)
If that's not enough just shoot us a pm and I can offer more:)x
I signed up for ACC but I cannot post within 24 hours. Could someone please be the messenger and let her know I'd like him please???
I think I sent a Private Message to her but I'm not sure how this site works so I'm horribly confused.

ill send her a pt, since she doesnt seem to be replying in the thread c:

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oh never mind c: you got himm

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just ask me if you need help
What is a FCR? Does she mean Friend Code?

And I can't find hers. :c

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I think I figured it out. >3<