Looking For Looking for Diana and Marina!!


Junior Member
Nov 27, 2019
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Hello I’m new to TBT and I’m looking for Marina and Diana! I don’t have any TBT at the moment but i have a lot of in game items i can give if you’re looking for items!! I can sell off any full sanrio set, RV visits to any sanrio character, i’m offering Stitches, Wolfgang, Bree, Ketchup, and Zucker, i am also willing to give away some DLC items (just ask and i will check if i have it!!), flowers, bush starts, tree starts, and bells c: Thank you in advance!! :D :blush: edit: i also have marshals merengues stitches skyes timmys and ketchups pics!
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I have marina and i'm currently trying to get her to move since she moved into a bad spot.Hopefully she moves out soon,i'll give you a heads up if she does.
awesome!! thanks for letting me know c: what would you like for her?
I'll give her to you for free since she moved in a really bad place,I hope she decides to move sooner than later. :)
thank you so much!! i added your friend code, i hope she moves out soon then since i have one spot left in my village and i don?t want it going anywhere :p
Hi mogikki, I can get you Marina for 15TBT if you'd like to get her sooner. Just let me know if you're interested (and like this post please so I know to check back :) )

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Hi mogikki, I can get you Marina for 15TBT if you'd like to get her sooner. Just let me know if you're interested (and like this post please so I know to check back :))
Hi, marina pinged me this morning to say shes leaving on the 19th.
Okay awesome!! Let?s set up a time we can both play then :3 i?ll be available monday and tuesday from 2:45 to 5:00, and wednesday 3:30-5:00, i?m in EST. lmk soon when you?re available and if you don?t mind tjme travelling! im busy this thursday.
Hey I have Diana’s amiibo card and I can scan her in and out easily, would it be okay if I got the Cinnamorroll set for it? :) We’d have to do the trade tomorrow as I have to finish up homework and then go to sleep.
Although i’m already getting Marina for free from SCORPA15, i can still let you come over for some free RV visits so you can get the set yourself if you’d like! if not that’s completely okay as well :D

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WAIT i read that wrong i’m so so sorry i just woke up T___T yes omg i would love Diana i’ll take her in after i move in Marina!! I’ll have the full set ready by then c: Thank you friend! Bear with me ��
Okay awesome!! Let’s set up a time we can both play then :3 i’ll be available monday and tuesday from 2:45 to 5:00, and wednesday 3:30-5:00, i’m in EST. lmk soon when you’re available and if you don’t mind tjme travelling! im busy this thursday.

Hi, I don't normally time travel but I can do it to help you get Marina, Wednesday 3:30pm est (8:30pm gmt for me) would be ideal. I'll message you at that time to tell you that i'm ready. :)
Although i?m already getting Marina for free from SCORPA15, i can still let you come over for some free RV visits so you can get the set yourself if you?d like! if not that?s completely okay as well :D

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WAIT i read that wrong i?m so so sorry i just woke up T___T yes omg i would love Diana i?ll take her in after i move in Marina!! I?ll have the full set ready by then c: Thank you friend! Bear with me ��

Haha it?s okay! I can wait and thank you as well! :)