Looking for flowers that aren’t pansies, mums, tulips or wind flowers

My nooks is selling white and yellow Cosmos and Hyacinths. You are welcome to buy them here ^-^
Thank you guys! Would you be alright with pm’ing me a dodo code so I could come over?
Thank you guys! Would you be alright with pm’ing me a dodo code so I could come over?

My shop shuts in 7 minutes, how many of each would you like? I'll buy you them now. I don't know what's in stock sorry
Did you get Hyacinth seeds yet? My shop has red, white & yellow. I'd love to buy red & yellow pansies seeds from yours!
damn i just sold a ton of lilies to the nooks, but I can trade you any number of red hyacinth bags and like, 5 white lilies for 5 red mums and some white pansies?