Looking for flowerseeds: yellow roses & hyacinths!


Apr 5, 2014
Lily of the Valley
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Galaxy Cupcake
Rainbow Birthday Bouquet
Lily of the Valley
Mother's Day Carnation
Mother's Day Carnation
Celeste Chick Plush
100% (190) +
Hi all!

I'm looking to buy a lot of flowers! Currently im looking for the following flower seeds:
  • Yellow roses
  • Yellow hyacinths

Please let me know if i can come visit your island to buy all the flowers haha 😅

If its possible I'd like to know what colors they sell, although it doesn't matter that much :)
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My store is currently selling red and white cosmos if you'd like to come to visit! I'm guessing your store is selling windflowers, pansy and mums?
If you've got white windflowers I come to your store after to buy quite a few?
My town has red and white hyacinths, tulips and windflowers if you want to visit
I have roses and lilies in my store :) Would I be able to buy flowers from you in return?
Hi Peachy, looking to buy some roses and lillies from your shop, I can bring you some hyacinths (red,white) or pansies (white,yellow) or mums (red,white) please let me know if you will like me to drop by :)
Hi Peachy, looking to buy some roses and lillies from your shop, I can bring you some hyacinths (red,white) or pansies (white,yellow) or mums (red,white) please let me know if you will like me to drop by :)

Oh yes, red and white hyacinths would be great! Thank you, I can send you a dodo code now :)
I have Lily’s, cosmos, roses and some mum plants I can bring over in exchange for pansies/tulips?