Looking for friends and foreign fruits (Native Cherries)


Junior Member
May 14, 2019
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Restated my town a little while ago and was looking for friends to play with as well as foreign fruits from my native cherries my friend code is in my bio if you care to join me let me know.
hi hi

Restated my town a little while ago and was looking for friends to play with as well as foreign fruits from my native cherries my friend code is in my bio if you care to join me let me know.

love to play together!! add me and i?ll add you my gates are open. my fc is 534442004174
I'd love to!

I just restarted my town too. We can be underdeveloped buddies! :> I got oranges, pears, and idc if you take some perfect oranges too, I got like a few trees of em. My code is 4871-7417-6533
I’ve got fruit

I just restarted my town too. We can be underdeveloped buddies! :> I got oranges, pears, and idc if you take some perfect oranges too, I got like a few trees of em. My code is 4871-7417-6533

I have fruit. Pears, apples, cherries and oranges. Just let me know what time you?ll be on.

I'll be on whenever. :p I'm actually just messing around in my town rn, planting trees and such. I legit started back up a few days ago, so I have like no progress, aside from just getting the permit. My schedules pretty open, so it's more when you get on honestly.

Looking foward to finally having someone to play with btw
Restated my town a little while ago and was looking for friends to play with as well as foreign fruits from my native cherries my friend code is in my bio if you care to join me let me know.

Started a town and looking for people to play with! I?ve added you; this is my fc: 2595 6865 8572
Sorry I haven't had a free moment to add anyone but ive added all of you and will be happy to play anytime today.:D
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looking for friends

my native fruit is apple, but i have all the fruit trees. i'd like to add anyone to play with! I'm on a lot and don't have any friends :(. Anyone can add me my fc is: 0963-5574-0166

i'll probably add everyone on this thread if possible
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my native fruit is apple, but i have all the fruit trees. i'd like to add anyone to play with! I'm on a lot and don't have any friends :(. Anyone can add me my fc is: 0963-5574-0166

i'll probably add everyone on this thread if possible
can i have a fruit please? I have played alot but not the online aspect. So whatever you need maybe i can help you too?!
my native fruit is apple, but i have all the fruit trees. i'd like to add anyone to play with! I'm on a lot and don't have any friends :(. Anyone can add me my fc is: 0963-5574-0166

i'll probably add everyone on this thread if possible

Added xD

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I have other fruits, do you have any perfect cherries?

Sadly none yet sorry. :(

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I'm going to open my gates anyone can join at this time xD

I'd like to go to the island today as zebra turkey fish are the premium at Reese's we can make a lot like that I hope.

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my native fruit is apple, but i have all the fruit trees. i'd like to add anyone to play with! I'm on a lot and don't have any friends :(. Anyone can add me my fc is: 0963-5574-0166

i'll probably add everyone on this thread if possible

Added xD

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I have other fruits, do you have any perfect cherries?

Sadly none yet sorry. :(

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I'm going to open my gates anyone can join at this time xD

I'd like to go to the island today as zebra turkey fish are the premium at Reese's we can make a lot like that I hope.

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Gates are open now. xD
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Hi, I'm Emilio from Spain. I've added you as friends. My town is Puente, but as I'm playing for only two days, it's very under developed. My fruits are cherrys.
Hope to play with you!
Add my friend code it?s in the side bar and we can play and I have all sorts of fruits you can have :]