Looking for friends


Senior Member
Jun 18, 2013
0% (0) +
Hey! ;) I'm Drew and I'm really looking for somebody to hang out with, (boy or girl) because it gets kinda boring when I go to my island and fish and play games by myself so, if anybody wants to become my friend please don't hesitate to post your fc. :D ( 0688-5613-7887 ) // I also have Brewster, Shampoodle, Kicks, K.K., and many different fruits in my town just in case anyone was wondering. //
Feel free to add me =} I added both of you. I have oranges and soon lychee and coconut =]
I've added you guys, I'm Adele, friend code is 0705-1976-3590

I have apples, cheeries, oranges, bannanas and soon to be lychee's (i've just planted one. : D )
Hello guys, my info is in my siggy, i added you all. Also, i have Bananas, Durains, Lemons, and my native fruit is Apples. I have Club LOL, island, and pretty much the basics so far.
Hi I just got the games a few days ago and would to hang out with you guys! My name is Kyle and you add my FC if you want...
Hey all, my name is Cassie, my fc is 3153 4123 3208. Welcome to join my town anytime its open. I will add you all and welcome to add me! :)
I added everyone on this thread, I'm going to open my gates for a while if anyone wants to visit!

PS if you bring any fruit that not a pear you will have my gratitude...