Buying Looking for Kings Crown! Will Pay + Gifts


Thagador the Magnificent
Jun 29, 2013
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
Yellow Candy
The Bell Tree Fair 2013 Patch
Pear (Fruit)
Silver Mailbox
100% (65) +
Search Over

Looking for the Kings Crown, if anyone has one in their town, or one I can catalog, I'd be more than grateful! I'm willing to drop off gifts (if I have anything you need) and pay 250k for the visit. If you have one that you're willing to sell, I'll pay full price plus the 250k. Let me know know if you're interested, and we can talk further. Thanks!
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I have one, You could pay me the full price and ill just order another one.
What items were you offering though?

Edit: oops I think I have the smaller one (Queens?)
It looks way better than the Kings imo.
Nvm then..
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Lets see, I don't have too much since I don't time travel, only things of interest I can think of are that I have two of the lucky cats (gold and black, a Jolly Roger, a Cannon, a Telescope, and Ship Deck from Pascal, the Raccoon Clock from Best Buy and the full Samus Set. So unless there are some set pieces your looking for that I have, that's it.

Oh, no probs, I'll leave this up so others know what I have to offer I guess. XD
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@FunnyDude: Awesome! Mind if I swing buy to pick it up? I'll PM you and we can discuss details.

@zblueboltz: It is, but it's easier to state King's Crown since there are King and Queen Crowns now.
No problem, u don't really need to pay me 250k. I will just let u pick it up so you can catalogue it.
Alright, up to you! :D I'll add you, do you want to visit, or will I visit you?
FunnyDude is having internet issues, so with his ok, I'm back on the search for a King's Royal Crown still.