Trading Looking for Margie!


Cupcake Slumber Party
Jan 18, 2013
Yellow Candy
100% (57) +

As the title says, I'm looking for Margie!
Ever since she appeared in the Animal Crossing movie I've been very fond of her.
However, I wasn't very lucky and never got her in any of my games.

I was so happy when I saw her in a cycle tread, but at the time she was in boxes
I was at work and she got voided. (Which I totally understand, don't feel guilty if you're reading this! <3)

I don't have a lot of bells or rare items, but if you're looking for anything I could totally check if I have it.
Aaand I'm totally up for trades too. Just let me know, my villagers are in my signature.

Thank you so much! c:​

As the title says, I'm looking for Margie!
Ever since she appeared in the Animal Crossing movie I've been very fond of her.
However, I wasn't very lucky and never got her in any of my games.

I was so happy when I saw her in a cycle tread, but at the time she was in boxes
I was at work and she got voided. (Which I totally understand, don't feel guilty if you're reading this! <3)

I don't have a lot of bells or rare items, but if you're looking for anything I could totally check if I have it.
Aaand I'm totally up for trades too. Just let me know, my villagers are in my signature.

Thank you so much! c:​

Shes in my cycling town!! c: You could have her for free if you claim her first if/when she decides to move<3
Yessss, I just posted in your topic right before I saw this post. c: