Looking for new friends with gates open/play a lot/ have kicks, island ect

Hero of Winds

Disabled Account
May 24, 2013
10 Envelopes
0% (0) +
Hi I got New Leaf the 9th and need some more friends who are online all the time!!! If you wanna open your gates ok!! I will also open mine I will open mine after adding. You can have some fruit. My home town is pears more fruit is growing peaches will finsih tomorrow oranges will after tomorrow and a bunch of of other stuff will grow the other day. My FC: 1805-2676-1253 Name: CupofMilk
Hope people reply with their FC and add other people! As soon as people reply I will open my gate! Or if you will open yours also if you have island or kicks ect
I'm about to add you. I have my gates open frequently during the day, and nights from 9 et to 12 am.
Added both of you! FC: 5069-4061-7434
I post when my gates are open in the friends list. I generally play... Well all day I guess!
I've just gotten my game going, I got it on the 9th but couldn't do anything cause it was late at the time, so I'm a little slow/behind the curve I guess, but I have been playing pretty consistently. I play pretty much all day and I'm much more active at night. (My town will have Night Owl Ordinance tomorrow.)
Feel free to add me, just please let me know if you do, so I can add you back! :)
My FC: 3969-4385-2418
Can I visit? My code is 2122-6249-8686. I added you guys, my gates will usually be open in the afternoons
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Gonna add all of you. At my friends town.
Also, Spike your FC isnt working. Did you give the right one?
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