Looking for Other Courtious Players


Video Game Monster
Jun 28, 2013
0% (0) +
(I know I spelled courteous wrong, sorry! I made this pretty late last night so I apologize!)

A little about me! My name is Maddy (in real life AND in game) and I've been playing Animal Crossing since 2007 (Wild World). I have a very classy and regal style in both my house and my fashion choices in the game. My favorite series to be released with New Leaf is the very expensive Princess Series, which I aspire to obtain when I save up the bells. My favorite character is K.K. Slider, and my favorite villager is Whitney ^.^

I'm really cautious about who I add as a friend. As bad as that sounds, I'm very proud of my town and I'd hate to see it get ruined by a random kid I've added on my friends list. I'm searching for respectful players who understand and are also similar. I want friends who have a good time together, chat, and help each other out. My goal is to create good relationships with fellow players in the Animal Crossing community, similar to the relationships that I had back in Wild World.

Age isn't a factor! I'm looking for people with common interests and who love the game as much as I do, so it shouldn't interfere.

EDIT: What I've said above is absolutely, 100% true. Don't be confused, I'm only 16. Anyone of any age is welcome if they, as stated above, share common interests and have respect for other people's towns.

All that being said, please leave some things about yourself so I can get to know you :) I'll send my FC through PM!
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Hey I'm Matt :)
Only downloaded New leaf yesterday so still new to this game however i did play the previous one on ds (in which for the life of me i can remember what it was called xD)

But yeah, I want to do the same thing, i've not met very many people yet properly and it would be good to gain a few friends on here :D

I know you say age isn't a factor aha but i'm 20 and i know how it feels when a little kid comes over and trashes the place xD
Hi, my name is Justin
I started playing Animal Crossing on the Gamecube when I was a little kid, and have never stopped loving the game. I've only had New Leaf for a few weeks, but with all of its new features it has quickly become my favorite in the series.

Just as you do, I would love a circle of friends that I could play with over wifi. I am 17, and would never do anything in someone's town without their consent.