Looking for others to visit/visit others towns!


Junior Member
Aug 18, 2019
I?m looking for respectable individuals to visit my town and to allow me to respectfully visit theirs. I?m Josh from the town of Hollow. Hollow is a still-developing town. I don?t have much to offer, but willing to help as much as I can! Please consider helping me out! I?ll do the same for you!
I'll add you <3

I'd be more than happy to be your friend! I've been playing for 1 year, I love it when people visit. My friendcode is 4484 - 9523 - 9346

much love Yrina
Thanks for the add.

I'd be more than happy to be your friend! I've been playing for 1 year, I love it when people visit. My friendcode is 4484 - 9523 - 9346

much love Yrina

I?ll open my gate whenever you?re available. Just let me know. I?ve just added your FC! Thank you so much! Also may I visit at some time? I?ve never left my town yet...
Looking for others to visit/towns to visit

Anyone willing to let a new player visit or perhaps visit my new and humble town of Hollow?
I’ll open my gate whenever you’re available. Just let me know. I’ve just added your FC! Thank you so much! Also may I visit at some time? I’ve never left my town yet...

Sure! my town gates alost always open! just come over whenever you feel like it.
Hello! I'm Jobie, town Wisteria. I'm new as well - especially with visiting. Would love to visit/have you visit. Just let me know when you'd like to visit. :)
Hello, I'm also newish & looking to visit people /be visited. I'll add you; let me know if you add me back!