~Looking for people to hold my stuff (again)~


Senior Member
Jun 6, 2013
100% (6) +
I made a post a while back but that gist of it is I would like to restart my town because I kinda of hate my layout. D:

The reason I'm making a new post is because I would like to do this sometime this week and the people I asked to help me are busy apparently.

A couple things:
  • I'll be more inclined to choose you if you've been on this forum for a while and actually make regular posts
  • Live in the U.S. (because of time zones I'd prefer this. I'm in CST zone btw)
  • You should probably have minimal patterns down. I have quite a lot of stuff I would like to save, and I don't want you to have to remove your existing patterns for me. :<
  • Have stable internet connection
  • It'll take probably two trips to bring it over. I'll let you catalog any of the stuff I put down!
  • I only have about a 1mil worth of bells but if you would like that as payment then I can give that to you after I get my things back. n_n

So yeah thank you for reading! *(*?∀`*)☆ (I would be eternally grateful if one of you helped me!)
I want to help you, but I need to clean up my town a bit first orz

edit: You should pick someone below me instead xD;
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Hello... again ^^
(I know I am in a different timezone, but I am online for long enough most days, you wouldn't be taking up my time [I'll just sit on FF7 for the most part I bet... so yea] )
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I also wouldn't mind doing it. I'm EST so very close in timezones and am on bed rest all week (tore a foot ligament) so I'm on everyday.
I do this stuff all the time for my friends and would love to help. I dont mind picking up some patterns if you need the space as well, not that hard to place them down again later. No payment needed, I just like helping out. =3 And feel free to take any fruit you like to help out your town, and/or tools, or use shampoodle. =3 I'm American, located in California, and very accustom to CST as my best friend lives in that time zone, so it wont be to hard for me to be on and leave the gate open for you.
Oh wow! Thank you all for replying! It's really kind of you all to take such an interest in this ;__; <3

I'm not sure who to pick now.... You all seem like good candidates! :D I'll need to mull this over for a little bit, but I do want you to know even if I don't choose you I still really appreciate it that you wanted to help me out! Also if you guys ever need anything from me don't be afraid to send me a pm! n__n