Clothing Looking for rest of these Nyanko Sensei sweater QR codes!


Senior Member
Jun 19, 2017
Throwback Tickets
Jingle Christmas Doll
Does anyone have - or know where to find - the QR's for this Nyanko Sensei (the cat from Natsume Yuujinchou a.k.a. Natsume's Book of Friends) sweater/hoodie?

These 2 are the only parts I could find. :(



Thanks to anyone who can help.
Never heard of Natsume Yuujinchou (A.k.a Natsume's Book of Friends)!
I'll try looking for the rest of the QR for you.
Why do you only have 2? Where did you find 'em? :)
Never heard of Natsume Yuujinchou (A.k.a Natsume's Book of Friends)!
I'll try looking for the rest of the QR for you.
Why do you only have 2? Where did you find 'em? :)

I found those 2 images completely randomly - I think they were on Pinterest? - while searching for pictures of Nyanko Sensei (my favorite character), but could never find the rest of them, no matter how hard I looked.:p I tried searching for ACNL Anime QR codes, by his name, the name of the show and everything else I could think of, but never found the complete set.

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I can't thank you enough; that was so nice of you! I can't believe you found them so quickly. (*.*) {And I hadn't even realized there was both a long-sleeved and short-sleeved version until I went to scan them!} My Mayor is wearing the long-sleeved one right now, thanks to you! ^_^
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Your welcome! :)

I asked "zessou" if she re-blogged the Nyanko Sensei sweater from (her old friend) tzmly, who is the creator of the QR.
Yes! She re-blogged it on her main blog and found it for me. She loves kitties! Like, A LOT.

Nyanko Sensei cat is soooo cute! I'm just reading about him on the wiki. He's a youkai!
Look at this cat loaf