Looking for roses, tulips, windflower and/or mums seeds to buy!


Keep the wolves away
Sep 2, 2013
Winter Mittens
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Silver Mailbox
Yellow Candy
Hi all, I`m looking to expand my flower fields with new types of flowers, but I need someone to open their town so I can purchase some bags of seeds. I`m obviously willing to return the favor!

My native flower is the cosmos, I also have hyacinths available.
Best thing to do is go to the shop section of the forum or the belltree discord online section and go to someone town who has the seeds in there shop that’s how i got them.
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Thank you! I`m happy to atleast find out how I could get them.
I private messages you. I am looking for Rose's, lillies and Cosmos. My nooks has wildflowers, hyacinth and pansies today. Some days I also have tulip seeds.
I messaged you back, I`m packed up with 10 red cosmos seeds, 10 yellow cosmos seeds, around 5 white cosmos (I had to shovel them up, no seeds today). I threw in 3 blue hyacinths, 2 pink cosmos and 2 orange cosmos as well, to get your hybrid thingy started. The dodo code didn`t work.