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✦+✦ Looking For Some Pals! ✦+✦


Senior Member
Nov 25, 2016
Throwback Tickets
100% (8) +
✦+✦ Hello! I am looking for some pals to play ACNL with. (●?w`●) I'm pretty new to the forums, so I completely understand if you don't feel comfortable letting me into your town. Although, I did just reset my town, so there's not much we could do. If you do happen to let me into your town, I promise to stay in sight! (✪㉨✪) Or, if you happen to visit my town, I only ask for you to not run. (You can traverse freely without me watching you.) Please also note that sometimes I don't have a stable internet connection, so if you get kicked out and don't know exactly why, that's the reason. (This has only happened once when I played with someone at their town, caught a couple fish and disconnected. It sucked! But I thought I'd let you know.) Thanks for taking your time to read this! Let me know if I forgot anything vital. ✦+✦
✦+✦ Friend Code: 0018-4705-4519 ✦+✦

Howdy! If you like you can come visit my town, I don't mind if you run out of sight all I ask is that you don't kill any of my flowers or take any of the perfect fruit near my house (theres some perfect trees else where that you can shake if you like) I have most the shops if you want to go shopping and extra wetsuits if you wanna go diving with me, or even the island if that's what you'd like. Fair warning my town time is still winter so there's not a lot of bugs around. You can talk to any villager, (always thought it was weird that some people don't) or visit the campgrounds, I'll probably have midile over to so yay zelda items. Just let me know i'm on and off all day. (this invite goes to anyone on the forums to btw in case anyone else see's this)
Hey. :) I'd like to be friends with both of you. ^^ If you want you can both come over to my town, or I could visit one of your's. I don't mind.
✦+✦ Hello! Thanks for replying, the both of you! Currently, I'm in the middle of re-creating my town and such; so I can't visit right away. I'll let you know when I'm done though! Have to go through the tutorial, ugh. ✦+✦
No problem, added you. Just let me know when you're available. :) I might not be online for more than an hour though because it's 9 PM and I think I might need an early night tonight (I don't feel at all well, think I may have caught the flu :/)
✦+✦ Aww that stinks, hope you get better soon! We can play tomorrow if you'd like, but I won't be available until 4:00PM Eastern time. (School related stuff.) ✦+✦
✦+✦ Aww that stinks, hope you get better soon! We can play tomorrow if you'd like, but I won't be available until 4:00PM Eastern time. (School related stuff.) ✦+✦
Aww thank you! I'll be okay. <3 :) I'll see, just send me a VM when you are done with your tutorial and if I decide to go to sleep before that time we can hang out tomorrow. No problem. ^^
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OK what's your FC my game is updating

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Wangdanielvaa what is your FC :) bump
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✦+✦ Okay, I added every one of you! Except for wangdanielvaa, you didn't give me your Friend Code.
No, I did not have a snow day! I just wasn't feeling too great so I asked to stay home. ✦+✦
✦+✦ Hi everyone! I'm currently playing if anyone would like to play with me. ✦+✦
Hey! I would love to be friends with any of you guys!
I'm trying to find some new best friends on the game cuz my old ones have moved on to adult things like college :p
Oh sure I could add you now and you could both come to my town! I'd have to close my gate for a sec though, brb.
Feel free to add me - bored of playing offline all the time!

Just don't ruin the place... bad enough with Pietro wandering around.
✦+✦ Alright, I'll add you when I get the chance Crumpington! :) I won't ruin your town I promise. ✦+✦
I'd love to visit but I'm restarting my town! :) Maybe after? :c
I have nothing better to do right now so feel free to ask if you want to visit.

All I ask is please check for permission to take any fruit or talk to specific villagers. I know it seems harsh but I need my town to keep how it looks. '~'

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Also...just added you and I have katrina if you need to save up for her pwp.
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