Looking for towns to visit


Junior Member
Jul 7, 2013
0% (0) +
Hi everyone,

I'm Nate and I've been playing AC:NF for a week now. I'm itching to go and visit some other towns. I'm also open to people coming over and visiting my town (although there isn't much at the moment). However, after seeing how people have been like at Club Tortimer, I am a little apprehensive so I ask for a couple things:

1) Don't chop down my trees.
2) No digging of any kind.
3) Try not to ruin the flower beds

I don't mind if you purchase items from my stores and picking fruits is fine too. I will also follow any rules you specify while visiting your town. If you'd like to add me my FC is on the left.
I'd like to go to your town, I'm still a little nervous about having people coming to my town, because someone destroyed my island. I'll add you?
You can in abit, can't add people while guests are over
OK. Do you want any silver tools? I have a silver net, shovel and a spare slingshot if you want.
I would love the silver net =]

Done! Tell me when you're ready and i'll come over.

I feel bad for amuromax, having his thread hijacked by us, but feel free to add me amuromax!
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Sorry who ever was just joining, I closed the gates to add gruff, you are now all added and the gates are open
I've added you, threadstarter, as well ;)
I've got many flowerrs, as long as you run on my path I'm happy
Hope you'll add me as well! probably playing a decent amount today