Looking for Towns to Visit!


Junior Member
Jul 29, 2013
0% (0) +
Hello everyone!

I am really new to Animal Crossing New Leaf. I was hoping to trade some friend codes with some of you and make some new friends. :D

I want to check out some other villages to see what they are like. Also, I'd like to shop for some tools that I can't get just yet. Maybe they are on sale in your village?

I'm also hoping to start finding new fruit. :) I have pears so if you want pears I can bring them for you and we can trade.
Hello everyone!

I am really new to Animal Crossing New Leaf. I was hoping to trade some friend codes with some of you and make some new friends. :D

I want to check out some other villages to see what they are like. Also, I'd like to shop for some tools that I can't get just yet. Maybe they are on sale in your village?

I'm also hoping to start finding new fruit. :) I have pears so if you want pears I can bring them for you and we can trade.

I have apples, mangoes, oranges and bananas. I only started last week so I'd like to visit a town too!
Here's my code. 1521-3433-1105
My gates should be open.
Ok! I'm going to add you right now and try to get to your town. :)

I've never done this before so I'll try not to screw it up :D

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Hmm... I added your code, but I can't seem to find your village.

Do you think I did something wrong?
Wait I got it!! Haha

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Thanks for the help! Feel free to stop by my town anytime I have the gates open. :)