Looking for trees and axes


Jul 27, 2013
100% (1) +
I cut down almost all my trees and need new ones now.
Anyone could spare me some samplings?
From what I know, you can plant bells in the ground and it'll grow normal trees. Not sure how much bells to bury though.
There's only one sapling per store, good luck buying them. If I were you, I'd plant fruit trees throughout your town rather than regular trees. Make a huge variety of fruit.
but are the fruit trees recognized as normal trees? I just remember in the ac for normal DS u have to have normal trees to get a perfect town
I'm not really sure. I have mostly fruit trees in my town, yet I have perfect town. They should count, just make sure to have fruit trees, normal trees, pines, and palms. Any tree counts towards perfect town it seems.

I replaced all my normal trees, with fruit trees along my paths. Without even trying to aim towards perfect town status. One day, I suddenly noticed I had it.

I'd say that if you can get a golden watering can from someone, getting perfect town is completely pointless afterwards other than the fact that you can randomly grow Jacob's latters.
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