Looking for visitors

Stone Cold

Senior Member
Sep 9, 2018
0% (0) +
Hello, everyone. I'm looking for friends so that my town can get visitors occasionally and so that I can visit other people's towns occasionally as well

My town's name is Odin. My native fruit is peach but I have trees of every fruit out there except for bananas. I think they're the only fruit tree I don't have yet.

My town isn't themed and my villagers atm are: Butch, Rod, Kid Cat, Boomer, Jeremiah, Lucky, Chrissy, Eugene and Hippeaux. Pietro is also joining soon.

Will be happy to exchange friend codes!
All the yes!

Done. Added your FC.

When will I be able to visit your town? At what time of the day would it be the most convenient for you? I must tell you, I'm from Europe, GMT time.

As for my town, I mostly play the game in the late afternoon and early evening.
School recently started for me, so 4:30 PM - 6:45 PM EST is good. I'm on break now, so I'm available from 7:45 AM - 6:45 PM EST, and that's good until Wednesday.
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School recently started for me, so 4:30 PM - 6:45 PM EST is good. I'm on break now, so I'm available from 7:45 AM - 6:45 PM EST, and that's good until Wednesday.

So, it seems I'm 6 hours ahead of you. So by the time lunch time starts for you it's already late afternoon for me, so it evens out, I'd say.

If you'd like to visit tomorrow I'll most likely open the gate from 6PM GMT+1 time on.
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butch is my favourite villager in the game, i'm glad you have him. i'll add you
butch is my favourite villager in the game, i'm glad you have him. i'll add you

He reminds me of a dog version of Tom, who was my next door neighbour and favourite villager in the GameCube game. They're both cranky, so that's probably why.

I'm gonna add you too.