Looking to add New Active Players!


The Phantom Prince
Nov 23, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Avatar Width Extension
Winter Mittens
Yellow Candy
100% (17) +

I'm once again looking to add some new faces to my roster in hopes of filling it up with more active players. Definitely a plus if you're a night-owl player, as that's when I have the most free time to play, however my town is usually open all throughout the day for you to visit! Would love to add some people who open frequently as well ^^

If you'd like to add, simply register my FC and post below, and I'll add you in return.

Thanks ~
I'm on everyday. I only open for bestfriends though now since i've just had a lot of stuff stolen and only add people I turst and play with quite a lot to best friends but I've added you :)
Added! I'm a night owl but i play all times, anyone else can add me too if they quote me :)
I've added all of you! Feel free to drop by whenever you see me open ~

Still open to adding more active players.
hi, may I add you? I'm on mostly at night myself, although I'm open pretty much open anytime I'm on. If anyone else would like to add me feel free to do so.
I just joined this forum and I would like friends to travel to, so if none of you mind, I added all of you and I would love if you could add me back. Thank youuu!
I've added all of you! Feel free to drop by whenever you see me open ~

Still open to adding more active players.

I added you but you were afk on a rock! You had a bunch of bells by the town square which I assume were to give away, but I didn't want to assume so I left it alone :p
I added you but you were afk on a rock! You had a bunch of bells by the town square which I assume were to give away, but I didn't want to assume so I left it alone :p

Yeah those are for whoever needs em, lol.