Buying Looking to buy brown telephone booth

  1. Bells
  2. NMT
  3. TBT Bells
  4. Wishlist Items


Darcinaya of Keet Largo
May 11, 2020
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Tasty Cake
The Bell Tree Fair 2020 Patch
Yellow Star Fragment
Tasty Cake
White Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
Orange (Fruit)
100% (100) +
Hello! I am looking to buy a brown telephone booth

I can pay 2TBT for each, or the Nook miles it costs, or I can trade you a blue one or any of the below orderable Nook items I have on my island:
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Hello! I am looking to buy a brown telephone booth and brown park clock

I can pay 2TBT for each, or the Nook miles it costs, or I can trade you a blue one or any of the below orderable Nook items I have on my island:
View attachment 362276
I have a brown park clock for you! 2 tbt or the black drink machine would be great (your choice). Should I deliver or do you want to pick up?
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I have a brown park clock for you! 2 tbt or the black drink machine would be great (your choice). Should I deliver or do you want to pick up?
Which would you prefer? Can give you 2TBT today for it, or if we wait til tomorrow, I can get you the black drink machine
Which would you prefer? Can give you 2TBT today for it, or if we wait til tomorrow, I can get you the black drink machine
I can wait until tomorrow for the black drink machine.
It's Merengue's birthday on my island if you want to visit today for pickup. Sending pm!
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