Buying Looking to buy my wishlist items!

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I can get you these for 2 tbt each,
board game
cafe-curtain wall
Celeste ribbon
changing room
elegant chair
hallway wall
model bus
model sailor
modern cash register
natural low table
round-cloth table
standing T.V
store shelf
terra-cotta floor
toy piano
villager statue
lmk if interested, and if prefer to trade when the new site is up (which should be any time now?) since you cant transfer bells atm
hi! i can give you the gold hha cup, the coffe cup and the nook's homes model! if you're still looking for them, just tell me what price you're willing to pay! I'd prefer tbt.
I can get you these for 2 tbt each,
board game
cafe-curtain wall
Celeste ribbon
changing room
elegant chair
hallway wall
model bus
model sailor
modern cash register
natural low table
round-cloth table
standing T.V
store shelf
terra-cotta floor
toy piano
villager statue
lmk if interested, and if prefer to trade when the new site is up (which should be any time now?) since you cant transfer bells atm

I'm interested for sure! I can do 2 TBT per item. :) I was having issues with the site before, so that is why I took so long to respond, but I think we are good now!

- - - Post Merge - - -

hi! i can give you the gold hha cup, the coffe cup and the nook's homes model! if you're still looking for them, just tell me what price you're willing to pay! I'd prefer tbt.

Yes, I am still looking for them. I'm not sure what to offer because I don't know what they go for, but I'm willing to pay TBT. Let me know what you think is a fair price.
I'm interested for sure! I can do 2 TBT per item. :) I was having issues with the site before, so that is why I took so long to respond, but I think we are good now!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yes, I am still looking for them. I'm not sure what to offer because I don't know what they go for, but I'm willing to pay TBT. Let me know what you think is a fair price.

hi! considering the fact that they are unorderables, i would say that 2 tbt each is a pretty fair price. since i read that you can't transfer bells rn, when the new site is up i'll let you know when i am available :)
If by chance you need anything else after the above person gets your items i do discount wishlists with your choice of 2 rare items.
PM if interested.
I'm interested for sure! I can do 2 TBT per item. :) I was having issues with the site before, so that is why I took so long to respond, but I think we are good now!

will do! i will order everything now so it's all ready, and yeah i think the website is loading A LOT faster today <3 I was also having issues. They keep promising the new site will be up but then it's not :confused: so if you want we can trade tomorrow weather it's up or not, i trust you enough to send it once you can c:
will do! i will order everything now so it's all ready, and yeah i think the website is loading A LOT faster today <3 I was also having issues. They keep promising the new site will be up but then it's not :confused: so if you want we can trade tomorrow weather it's up or not, i trust you enough to send it once you can c:

I very much appreciate that! :) Sounds good to me -- I'll make a note of the TBT I owe you so I don't forget!
hello! thought i'd let you know that the bell system is currently up and working, would you perhaps want to trade today? I am always available <3
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