Trading Looking to collect rare items and complete my catalog


Senior Member
Jul 6, 2013
100% (6) +
I loved the gamecube one and now I am addicted to this one. I really want to complete my catalog, and collect the really rare DLC items and stuff. I have 4 7-11 items, and I have some shaved ice lamps. I am in Australia, so I can get european DLC (on the 15th I will be getting the white cap for anyone who needs it).

I know I'm new and I haven't earned any trust though, so I want to more than willingly invite other people to my town where i can't do any funny stuff like talk to villagers or cut trees, and I will pay first for my deals until I've been here a while. I don't want to scam anyone, I hope to maybe make a few friends, but basically somebody told me this is a good place to look to get this sort of project done.

My friend code is:

Hope you guys can help me :D

This is my editable list of stuff i'm trying to catalog, i'm getting the 'series' out of the way first.
I can let you come into my town and buy the sweets set at Gracie's normal prices.
How much is the normal prices? I don't have the emporium yet so I have no idea. Does she sell it all at once and stuff?
She sells different pieces on different days, but I time traveled to unlock stuff faster, so I can proably just do that to get you the entire set.
The sweets set is one of her cheaper prices series, so her set is
Sweets Wall - 124k
Sweets Floor - 124k
Sweets Dresser - 220k
Sweets Bed - 80k
Sweets Closet - 68k
Sweets Sofa - 80k
Sweets Chair - 120k
Sweets Table - 240k
Sweets Minitable - 80k
Sweets Bookcase - 90k
Sweets Lamp - 98k
Sweets Minilamp - 110k
Sweets Player - 100k

It's much better than the 500k a piece xD
it was 500k to catalog it, and then i'd order it all myself later from the catalog if i wanted it :p but uhm that is.. 1534k by my calculations. Can you buy it all and i'll bring 1 inventory of cash (1.6m) to buy it all off you? rather than visiting your town like X amount of times while you change the date over and over. since you have to anyway, rather htan me taking multiple trips?
It's non-reorderable.
I guess we can do that.
It'll take me some time and I'm going out with my mom and sister in a few minutes.
I'll just message you back when your order is ready.
Sounds good to me. I've got plenty of time i'm still young :D. I'm moving on monday night though, so i'll be mia for an unknown period of time. when I get back, i should be good to go though :D Thank you for your help ahousar.
Are you looking for any of the Japanese/Korean/US DLC? I have managed to collect almost everything besides the 7-11 items. I would love to strike up a partnership with someone that I can trade DLC with on the regular.