Looking to complete more of my collection.


Apr 6, 2020
Chocolate Coins
100% (29) +
Hi, I have a lot of cards that I am missing from my collection and I also have a few extras so I have created a google sheets with what I have and need. I am trying to complete my collection and my most wanted are Kabuki and Lyman but any trades would be greatly appreciated, let me know if you have any offers. Thanks!

How about your 168 Nan, 251 Chester, and 300 Chrissy for my 004 Sable, 023 Cheri, 087 Bunnie, and 361 Purrl?

Oh btw, just to confirm, you're US trading right?
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How about your 168 Nan, 251 Chester, 300 Chrissy, and 331 Pashmina for my 004 Sable, 023 Cheri, 087 Bunnie, 203 Tom Nook, 265 Gala, and 361 Purrl?

Oh btw, just to confirm, you're US trading right?
Yes I am in the US
Alright I'm in the US too, but is that trade OK? You know how to get in to your conversations right?
I have updated the list after some trades and will need some time to get everything in order after more responses than I expected, thank you all so much for the help and for being understanding and I will get to all responses as soon as I can.
Thank you everyone for all the interest! I had no idea how many trades offers I would receive and I need to take a quick break to focus on the rest of my semester thanks to classes being moved online. I will post again when I am ready to trade again and thank you to those who I had a chance to make a deal with and I'm sorry to those who I could not but I will return soon. Thanks for understanding!